
  1. 自信就是放宽心,给爱人足够的私人空间。

    Self-confidence means being relaxed enough to allow your lover their personal space .

  2. 2004年的《商业空间发射修正法》旨在鼓励发展私人空间飞行器和服务,规定除非私人航天器对机组人员或乘客造成严重或致命伤害,否则运输部长或联邦航空局禁止规管私人航天器的设计或运营。

    The 2004 Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act , intended to encourage private space vehicles and services , prohibits the transportation secretary ( and thereby the FAA ) from regulating the design or operation of private spacecraft , unless they have resulted in a serious or fatal injury to crew or passengers .

  3. 我悄悄地离开了座位,想给他一些私人空间来结束这场谈话。

    I left my seat quietly , giving him some privacy to finish his conversation .

  4. 另一点是关于私人空间。

    Another point is about personal space .

  5. 在南美,人们说话时通常站得很近,但在美国这样的国家,人们需要更多的私人空间。

    And in South America people usually stand quite close to each other when they talk , but in countries like the USA you need to give people more personal space .

  6. 如果有人显得疏远或出神了,可以走进他们的私人空间,小声说嘿很难打破僵局。

    If someone appears distant or lost in thought , moving into their personal space and mumbling6 “ hey ” is hardly an icebreaker .

  7. Marc和我搬到对面两人间公寓了因为我们需要私人空间

    Are you serious ? Marc and I moved across the hall to the 2-bedroom because we needed more space .

  8. 在派对上看到习惯侵犯私人空间的人走过来时,我脑子里就会响起《大白鲨》(Jaws)的音乐。

    When I see a registered personal-space invader coming my way at a party , the music from ' Jaws ' plays in my head .

  9. 有了它们,你就可以向那些令人反胃的小隔间说拜拜了。你还能享有一些私人空间,忙里偷闲的时候跑去YouTube视频网站逛逛。

    They allow you to bid goodbye to those dreadful cubicles , while still allowing for a bit of privacy when you sneak in that requisite YouTube trip .

  10. 她还说:“Facebook正努力寻求在日趋两极化的社会中,在公共平台与私人空间之间取得平衡。最终结果可能会是被两者所抛弃。”

    She added : " Facebook is trying to seek a balance between a public square and a private space in an increasingly polarizing society . The final result could be it will be abandoned by both . "

  11. 在发布季报时的电话会议上,Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)承认,Facebook现在的目标是“为人们建立私人空间,让他们可以分享信息,实现他们在其它环境中无法实现的互动”。

    At the earnings call , chief executive Mark Zuckerberg acknowledged that the company now aims to create " private spaces for people to share things and have interactions that they couldn 't have had elsewhere . "

  12. 波音和SpaceX公司正与拉斯维加斯的毕格罗宇航公司(BigelowAerospace)开展合作。该公司计划把私人空间站送入轨道,供国家或公司租用。

    Both Boeing and SpaceX are working with Bigelow Aerospace , a Las Vegas company that plans to launch private space stations into orbit , to be leased to nations or companies .

  13. NV200在助你事业成功的同时,还为您提供了舒适的私人空间。

    NV200 promises to support your business success and provide you with a comfortable private time simultaneously .

  14. 但如今,根据皮尤研究中心(PewResearchCenter)的数据,约三分之一的美国互联网用户拥有Pinterest账号,而且越来越多的Pinterest男性用户(虽然目前较少)被鼓励关注“男人的私人空间”、“生存技能”等话题。

    But now about a third of US internet users have Pinterest accounts , according to the Pew Research Center , and it has a small but growing male audience encouraged to follow topics such as " man cave " and " survival skills . "

  15. 声明发布之前的一周,特斯拉召开了年度股东大会。这位同时也在担任私人空间开发公司SpaceX公司CEO的亿万富翁在这次股东大会上表示,他计划未来至少四、五年将继续担任特斯拉公司CEO。

    The announcement comes a week after Tesla 's annual shareholder meeting , at which Musk - a billionaire who is also CEO at private space exploration company SpaceX - said he plans to stay on as Tesla 's CEO for at least another four or five years .

  16. 本文还结合影像道德问题探讨了表现私人空间的社会文化心理基础,最终揭示DV根本的局限并对DV未来的发展作了展望。

    This text has combined the morals question of the image and probed into the social psychological foundation of culture which displays the private space yet , have announced DV basic limitation finally and made and looked forward to the development in the DV future .

  17. 社会生活空间是由私人空间和公共空间构成的。

    Social life space consists of private space and public space .

  18. 其他游客的私人空间只是其中一个问题。

    The personal space of other visitors is just one problem .

  19. 我爱我的房间,因为它是我的私人空间!

    I love my room because it is my private space !

  20. 他们通过网络进行人际交往、构筑私人空间;

    They communicate with others and construct private space through network .

  21. 我需要各位多给我一些私人空间与时间!

    I need you give me some private space and time !

  22. 跟他说现在我需要私人空间。

    Tell him that I need a little personal space right now .

  23. 你或许要牺牲一些私人空间,但是可以省钱。

    You 'll sacrifice privacy , but you 'll save a bundle .

  24. 同样,你的私人空间也暴露出你的性格。

    Also , your private environment * discloses your personality .

  25. 而在图书馆内部,这些部分为阅读者提供了私人空间。

    Inside the library , these pods offer private spaces for reading .

  26. 从家务分工看私人空间的性别界限

    Identifying Gender Division of Private Space from the Division of Domestic Work

  27. 总之,我们给对方有充足的私人空间。

    Above all , we gave each other enough space .

  28. 他们都融入到自己的小私人空间里

    and they 're in their own little personal bubble .

  29. 尊重捷克生意伙伴的私人空间。

    Respect your Czech counterparts ' sense of personal space .

  30. 只是她有时候也会想要私人空间吧。

    It 's just , she might like a little space sometimes .