
  • 网络weimar germany
  1. 它改编自德国作家埃里希·卡特纳(ErichK?stner)1929年的同名儿童故事,是魏玛德国时期道德生活的寓言,暗示了黑暗即将到来。

    Based on a 1929 German children 's book by Erich K ? stner , the play offered a moral parable of life in Weimar Germany , with hints of the darkness to come .

  2. 以充分就业为目标制定直接的货币和财政政策,不要因为担心我们会一夜之间变成魏玛德国,就去把经济保持在萧条的状态。

    direct monetary and fiscal policy toward full employment , as opposed to keeping the economy depressed out of fear that we 'll suddenly turn into Weimar Germany .

  3. 魏玛德国大城市复兴运动研究

    The Study on German Big Cities ' Municipal Recovery Campaign in Weimar Period

  4. 美国主义与文化批评&魏玛德国文化批评运动浅析

    Americanism and German Cultural Criticism in WEIMAR Time

  5. 但美国不是魏玛德国,尽管利率水平令黄金的持有成本变得低廉,但长期而言,持有黄金的机会成本仍缺乏吸引力。

    But the US is not Weimar Germany and , in spite of interest rates that make gold ownership cheap , the opportunity cost of owning it is still unattractive in the long run .

  6. (17491832)生活在魏玛的德国诗人、篇小说家和剧作家。

    German poet and novelist and dramatist who lived in Weimar .

  7. 但反犹主义却并没有烟消云散,魏玛时期德国的反犹主义有着怎样的表现?这正是本篇论文的研究重点所在。

    But anti-Semitic has not vanished , the article points in study the expression of it in Weimar German period .

  8. 魏玛共和国是德国历史上政治教育制度化的最早时期。

    Weimar Republic of Germany was the earliest epoch with systematic political education in the history of Germany .