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  1. 第三章对魏野诗歌的创作特征进行了探讨。

    The third chapter Wei Ye poem was written on the characteristics discussed .

  2. 但是魏野为人宽和,关注苍生,与其交游的僧道隐士以及官宦往往与其道相契,因此魏野与其亲近而悉心交游。

    However , the width and Wei Ye man , concerned about the common people , instead of a hermit monk the Friendship and courtiers often their " Road " Affinities , so its close and careful Wei Ye Friendship .

  3. 魏野并非走终南捷径一类的隐士,他以隐修道,不重名利,以适性、随缘为其生存指向,所以绝不会出仕,真心归隐。

    Wei Ye Zhongnan not take shortcuts for a class of hermits , he implicitly monasticism , not heavy fame , with " adaptive ", " Going " point for their survival , it will not be official career , really Hermitage .