
  1. 作为对安徒生反讽的王尔德童话

    The Fairy-tales of Oscar Wilde : an Irony to Andersen

  2. 中西方文学语境下的王尔德童话

    Oscar Wilde 's Fairy Tales in the Chinese-Foreign Literary Contexts

  3. 王尔德童话的宗教原型解析

    Analysis of Religious Prototype In Oscar Wilde 's Fairy Tales

  4. 论唯美主义的矛盾性&王尔德童话作品研究

    The Contradictions of Aestheticism : A Study on Oscar Wilde 's Fairy Tales

  5. 思想内容方面,把钟情死亡、超越道德、多重立场作为王尔德童话不同于传统童话的独特之处加以分析;

    Firstly , Wilde 's fairy tales are different from traditional ones in ideological contents .

  6. 王尔德童话:从感官解放到纵欲的嬗变

    The Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde : Change from Liberation of Sensory to Sexual Indulgence

  7. 本文旨在从思想内容和艺术手法两方面分析王尔德童话的特点。

    This article aims to analyze the characteristics of Oscar Wilde 's fairy tales from two aspects : ideological contents and artistic techniques .

  8. 从王尔德童话中人物形象所契合的宗教原型(包括弥赛亚原型和圣徒原型)入手,可以分析其宗教观和唯美主义理论的深层意蕴。

    The essay analyses Oscar Wilde 's religion concept and profound meaning of aestheticism by beginning with figures in his fairy tales , which derived from the religious prototype ( including Messiah prototype and Saint prototype ) .

  9. 第一部分:王尔德唯美主义童话颠覆传统童话中美的抽象性,展现其童话中美的形象与诗意;

    The first part : Wilde 's aestheticism fairy tale subverts the abstractness of traditional fairy tale , representing the image and poetry of its fairy tale .

  10. 第三部分:王尔德唯美主义童话颠覆传统童话中叙述主体单一,叙述话语单纯的模式,展现其童话丰富的意义与语言的魅力。

    The third part : Wilde 's aestheticism fairy tale subverts the traditional narrating and display the subject meaning of its fairy tale and the glamour of its language .

  11. 本文选择了奥斯卡·王尔德最著名童话TheHappyPrince的三个中文译本进行分析比较。

    In this thesis , three Chinese versions of The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde are selected to complete a comparative study .

  12. 论王尔德唯美主义与童话的契合

    On the Correspondence Between Wilde ′ s Aestheticism and His Fairy Tales