
  1. 王船山廉政思想的理论特色

    The Theoretical Features of Wang Chuanshan 's Honest Government Thought

  2. 论王船山历史哲学的主体精神

    On the Subject Spirit of Wang chuanshan 's Historical Philosophy

  3. 网络环境下王船山文献数据库建设探讨

    Discussion on the Construction of Wang Chuanshan Database under the Network Environment

  4. 王船山同宋明理学家一样,认为人性中包含着“天道”和“人道”两部分。

    Mencius believed that the way of heaven and the human nature int.

  5. 王船山论明诗评议

    Appraisements on Wang Chuanshan 's Criticism of Ming Poetry

  6. 王船山身体美学观与身体审美体验创造

    Wang Chuanshan 's Body Esthetics and Body Esthetic Creation

  7. 王船山政治哲学研究

    The Study of Wang Chuanshan 's Political Philosophy

  8. 王船山的这一经济法律思想,对于我们今天仍有深刻的现实意义。

    Wang Chuanshan 's thinking still holds a great realistic significance to us today .

  9. 王船山的历史哲学

    On Wang Chuanshan 's Philosophy of History

  10. 王船山以德治国思想的特色及其现实意义

    The Characteristics of Wang Chuan-shan 's Thought of Rule of Virtue and Its Practical Significance

  11. 论王船山的自然概念

    On Natural Concept of Wang Chuan-shan

  12. 王船山先生的理想人格

    Wang Chuan-shan 's ideal personality

  13. 王船山《唐诗评选》是清代最早的一部披沙淘金的好选本。

    Selection of Tang Poem by Wang Chuanshan is the earliest version of the kind in Qing Dynasty .

  14. 王船山哲学的基本问题是探询真实的存在,这种探询要求着批判哲学的识度,也即在主体知行活动的视域内探究存在。

    Wang Chuanshan 's philosophy is to explore the real existence within the field of the subject 's activities .

  15. 幸福的实质:义、利的均衡&兼论王船山义利观的历史意义与现代价值

    On the Outlook of the Socialism Justice and Benefit The Nature of Happiness & Balance of Justice and Benefit

  16. 当历史演进到二十一世纪之际,一些船山研究者开始了试图回到王船山本身的努力。

    While at the beginning of the new century , some scholars endeavor to return to Wang Chuanshan in himself .

  17. 无论从数量上还是从质量上来说,新时期王船山文学研究的成果是前所未有的。

    The achievements of Chuanshan literature research in this era have never reached before neither in quantity nor in quality .

  18. 对此,文章提出了借鉴王船山自然观来解决这一问题的思路。

    The paper put forward a train of thought of using Wang Chuan shan 's natural view to solve this problem .

  19. 可以说相天造命论集中体现了王船山历史哲学的主体精神。

    So the argument of assisting heaven and creating destiny focuses to explain the subject spirit of Wang chuanshan 's historical philosophy .

  20. 王船山的立法、执法、变法、守法等法律思想是王船山法律思想的几个核心议题。

    Wang Chuan-shans law making , law executing , law changing , are law abiding , the main matters his law idea .

  21. 再次,王船山还从价值论上论诚。“诚”作为一种道德修养的最高境界,它是真、善、美的统一体。

    He said sincerity is a highest value and it is a synthetic system of the true , the good and the beautiful .

  22. 梳理王船山对熊十力的影响,不仅有助于更准确地把握熊氏思想的形成与发展,亦可显示船山学术在中国近现代思想史上所发挥的重要作用。

    Analyzing these influences would help to comprehend Xiong Shi-lis thought more profoundly , and reveal the significant effect of Wang Chuan-shans thought in the modern ideological history of China .

  23. 王船山在诗歌理论与创作实践中,坚持儒家伦理思想与诗教原则及其独特的神韵观。

    In the course of studying the poetry theory and doing some practice of writing poem , Wang Chuanshan insisted on Confucianism and his distinctive thinking on " poetic charm " .

  24. 弘扬王船山“诚”论思想对于解决当今社会日益恶化的“诚信危机”,促进全社会范围内的诚信建设,构建和谐社会具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。

    We can use it to harness the aggravating crisis of honest and credit in our society and it has an important effect on accelerating the process of rebuilding the honest and credit society .

  25. 王船山对我国儒家正统诗学与审美诗学理论进行了系统的研究和总结,对我国古典诗学与古典美学具有重要贡献。

    Wang Chuanshan made a systematic study and summary on both the Chinese orthodox poetry theory of Confucianists and aesthetic poetry theory , he made a significant contribution to Chinese classical poetry theory and aesthetics .

  26. 他主张通过建立政道以解决王船山所说的中国历史上的朝代更替、皇位继承和宰相难处的历史症结。

    He advocated through establish system to solve the crux of the history which Wang Chuanshan said Chinese political dynasty turnover , succession to the throne , the relationship between the emperor and his prime minister .

  27. 检讨王船山明诗批评的成果,对于今天研究明诗,建立科学的明诗学具有重要的启示和借鉴意义。

    A close examination of his achievement in poetic criticism will help to shed light on the research of Ming poetry so to establish a scientific school for the study of poetry in the Ming Dynasty .

  28. 王船山是中国明清之际杰出的思想家,他博大精深的学术思想体系,既是对中国传统学术的批判总结,又从多方面启发了中国主流思潮的推陈出新。

    Having extensive knowledge and profound scholarship , the ideological system he constructed is a critical summing up to Chinese traditional doctrines as well as extensively inspires the ideological mainstream in China to weed through out the old to bring forth the new continuously .