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píng fán
  • ordinary;common;commonplace;mediocrity;routine;uneventful;undistinguished;lowly;working-day;featureless;literal;plebeian plebeian;slick
平凡 [píng fán]
  • [mediocrity] 平常的能力和价值,被认为迟钝、没有灵感的或拙劣的;明显地缺乏特色或长处

  • 这不是普通的那种平凡,而是经过计划和努力的那种平凡--社会工程师的术语就是衡量它的尺度

  • (1) [uneventful]∶没有值得注意的事件

  • 平凡的生活

  • (2) [lowly]∶不高傲,不崇高

  • 用崇高的言词描写平凡的主题,又设法要使它们恰如其分

  • (3) [literal]∶不夸张,不虚饰

  • 热爱平凡的真理

  • (4) [routine] ∶具有通常或重复的特点

  • 平凡的飞行

  • (5) [working-day] ∶与工作日有关或具有工作日特征;普通的

  • 这个平凡的世界是多么充满荆棘呀

  • (6) [featureless]∶无特色或无区别

  • 没有特殊功绩或浪漫史的那些漫长而平凡的岁月

  • (7) [commonplace]∶毫无异常之处;没有创见、新颖或趣味

  • 把某个平凡的女人想象为女神的情人

  • (8) [plebeian plebian]∶具有平民大众一般的特征

  • (9) [slick]∶缺乏独创性

平凡[píng fán]
  1. 我推荐这本小说是因为它是用平凡的语言写成的。

    I recommend this novel because it is written in ordinary language .

  2. 该公司的经理是一个见识平凡的人。

    The manager of the company is a person of ordinary common sense .

  3. 他也不过是个十分疼爱自己狗儿的平凡人。

    He 's just a regular guy who loves his dog .

  4. 窗外的景色平凡无奇。

    The view from the window was uninspiring .

  5. 她和弟弟妹妹一起过着平凡而幸福的生活。

    She led a normal , happy life with her sister and brother

  6. 即使平凡的工作也乐意承担。

    Be willing to do even mundane tasks .

  7. 油漆罩面能够使普通而平凡的东西看上去更加精致。

    A paint finish can transform something everyday and mundane into something more elaborate .

  8. 他并不是一个平凡的学者。

    He is no mean scholar .

  9. 他带着平凡的服役记录离开了军队。

    He retired from the army with undistinguished record of service .

  10. 平凡铸就伟大,英雄来自人民。

    Greatness is forged in the ordinary . Heroes come from the people .

  11. 他从没有像现在这样感到自己是个不平凡的人。

    He began to have a nobler opinion of himself than ever before .

  12. 我希望我可以得到的是一份有趣的工作,而不是一份平凡无奇的。

    I hope I can get an interesting job and not something mundane .

  13. 向所有平凡的英雄致敬!

    We salute12 all the ordinary heroes !

  14. 伟大出自平凡,平凡造就伟大。

    Greatness comes out of the ordinary .

  15. 不过,这种平凡却能保证稳定。

    But this mediocrity promises stability .

  16. 这里没有平凡,没有懒散,没有贫困,也没有低微

    It was above the common mass , above idleness , above want , above insignificance .

  17. 你会喜欢上他们:一位由可爱而孤独的主人公(汤姆·汉克斯饰),一个平凡而迷人的女主角(梅格·瑞恩饰),和可爱的孩子们。

    It has everything you need : a cute and lonely protagonist12 played by Tom Hanks , a plain , but charming heroine ( Meg Ryan ) , and adorable kids .

  18. 只要有坚定的理想信念、不懈的奋斗精神,脚踏实地把每件平凡的事做好,一切平凡的人都可以获得不平凡的人生,一切平凡的工作都可以创造不平凡的成就。

    Adhering to firm ideals and convictions and working tirelessly to have their jobs done , every ordinary person can have an extraordinary life and every ordinary job can produce extraordinary achievements .

  19. 他们多被归类为出生低下、平凡无奇,且被轻视的社会阶层。而那些自认为是现代社会贵族的人经常会鄙视或嘲笑他们。

    They were often defined as members of a low-born , despised social class and a commoner , while many people who consider themselves modern-day patricians often look down and mock them .

  20. 建交42年来,中澳关系走过了不平凡的历程,两国成为好朋友和战略伙伴,两国人民从中受益良多。

    Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 42 years ago , our ­ relations have traversed an extraordinary journey , making us good friends and strategic partners and bringing real benefits to our two peoples .

  21. 仅含n个非平凡正规子群的群的特征

    Character of group which only have n nontrivial normal subgroups

  22. 研究了一类非线性常微分方程的非平凡解及其死核问题,证明了在参数p的某些取值范围内,该问题存在非平凡解且具有死核;

    The existence of a nontrivial solution and its dead core problem for a class of nonlinear ordinary differential equations are studied .

  23. 如果G只有平凡块,则称G是本原的。

    The group G is said to be primitive if there exists no nontrivial block on Ω .

  24. 证明n个顶点的收缩临界5连通图中至少有n+1条平凡不可收缩边。

    It is proved that any contraction critical 5-connected graph on n vertices has at least n + 1 trivially non-contractible edges .

  25. 渐近线性二阶Hamilton系统的非平凡周期解

    Nontrivial Periodic Solution of Asymptotically Linear Second-order Hamilton System

  26. 若对于P的任一非平凡循环子群P,NG(P)与CG(P)都有正规p-补,则G为p-幂零群。

    If for every nontrivial cyclic subgroup P of P , both NG ( P ) and CC ( P ) bave normal p-complement , then G is p-nilpotent .

  27. 非线性Volterra积分方程非平凡解的逼近方法及其应用

    Approximate method of the non-trivial solutions on nonlinear Volterra integral equation and its application

  28. 设N是中心为Z的素近环,I是N的右理想,D是N上的非平凡导子。

    Let N be a prime near - ring with center Z , I a right ideal of N , D a non - trival derivations of N.

  29. 现在已有很多方法可以得到孤子方程的解,其中达布变换是一种自然而美妙的方法,它从孤子方程的一个平凡解出发求得精确解(N孤子解)。

    Darboux transformation ( DT ) has been proved to be one of the most natural and beautiful method to get explicit solutions of some soliton equations from a trivial seed .

  30. 拟正定核Hammerstein方程非平凡解的个数

    Number of non & trivial solutions to Hammerstein integral equations with quasi-positive-definite kernels