
dù luò kè zhū
  • duroc
杜洛克猪[dù luò kè zhū]
  1. 在外来猪种中,长白猪、大白猪中G基因为优势等位基因,而在杜洛克猪中C基因为优势等位基因。

    In foreign pigs species , Yorkshire and Landrace , for advantage in G genetic alleles , and in Duroc pigs C for advantage alleles genes .

  2. 采用PCR-RFLP方法对61头长白猪、56头大约克猪和30头杜洛克猪进行了氟烷基因型检测。

    Halothane genotypes of 61 Landrace , 56 Large white and 30 Duroc were determined by PCR RFLP .

  3. 莱芜猪和杜洛克猪心脏脂肪酸结合蛋白基因(H-FABP)表达差异和肉质性状的关系

    Difference of Heart Fatty-acid-binding Protein Gene ( H-FABP ) Expression in Laiwu and Duroc Pigs and Their Relationships with Meat Quality

  4. 用MTDFREML对杜洛克猪生产性状的遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis on Performance Traits in Duroc Pigs Using Multiple Trait Animal Model REML

  5. 杜洛克猪新品系肉质特性的初步研究

    Studies on the characteristics of meat quality in Duroc new strain

  6. 美系杜洛克猪生长和胴体性状的研究

    Study on the Growth and Carcass Traits of American Duroc Pigs

  7. 杜洛克猪若干繁殖性状间的相关和通径分析

    Correlation and Passage Analysis on the Reproductive Traits of Duroc Pigs

  8. 杜洛克猪适应性和品种性能测定

    Observation on adaptation and performance trait of Duroc species pig

  9. 美国杜洛克猪引进后生产性能的观察

    Observation on the Performance of Duroc Pigs after their Import from America

  10. 杜洛克猪和大白猪作终端父本的杂交效果比较研究

    Comparison of Crossbreeding on the Duroc and Large White as Terminal Sire Breeds

  11. 赖氨酸占蛋白质及饲粮的比例对杜洛克猪生长肥育性能及胴体品质的影响

    Effect of Levels of Lysine in Diet on the Performance of Duroc Pig

  12. 雌性杜洛克猪作为增生性瘢痕动物模型的临床和病理学观察

    Pathological studies of female red Duroc pig as animal model for hypertrophic scarring

  13. 杜洛克猪遗传性跛行的体尺比较

    Comparison of body measurements in Duroc swine genetically different for severity of leg weakness

  14. 杜洛克猪与甘肃黑猪杂交后代染色体遗传变异的特征

    Influence of Infusion of Duroc Blood on Characteristics of Chromosomes in Gansu Black Pig

  15. 性别对杜洛克猪主要经济性状的遗传参数估计的影响

    Effect of Sex on the Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Economic Traits in Duroc

  16. 饲养模式对新引入美系杜洛克猪生长性能、胴体品质及肉质的影响

    Effects of Feeding Patterns on Growth 、 Carcass and Meat Quality Performances in New American Duroc

  17. 影响杜洛克猪新品系60日龄窝重繁殖性状因素的相关性分析

    Correlation Analysis of Breeding Traits Affecting the Litter Weight of New Line Duroc Pigs at 60-day-old

  18. 将杜洛克猪血液导入甘肃黑猪后能使其发生染色体遗传变异。

    The variation of chromosomes of Gansu Black pig was caused by infusion of Duroc blood .

  19. 杜洛克猪48头,体重27kg左右,分6组。

    Forty eight Duroc pig with an average weight of 27 kg were allocated into 6 treatments .

  20. 杜洛克猪新品系选育研究

    Selection new strains of Duroc

  21. 大约克夏猪皮组织构造的研究大白、长白、杜洛克猪选育及杂交利用

    Researching of the Micro structure of large white pigskin Breeding and Crosses of Large White , Landrace and Duroc

  22. 不同蛋白、赖氨酸水平饲粮对杜洛克猪的肥育效果、消化率和代谢的影响

    Effects of Different Dietary Protein and Lysine Levels on Growing - Finishing Performance , Digestion and Metabolism of Duroc Pigs

  23. 仔猪血清总蛋白、白蛋白和球蛋白含量测定大白、长白、杜洛克猪选育及杂交利用

    Determination of Total Protein , Albumin and Globulin from Serum in Pigs Breeding and Crosses of Large White , Landrace and Duroc

  24. 苜蓿草粉对杜洛克猪生长阶段全价日粮的适宜替代水平为5%、10%,肥育阶段为10%。

    The optimal substitute rates of alfalfa hay meal in growing and finishing Duroc swine diets were 5 % ~ 10 % and 10 % respectively .

  25. 豫南黑猪是以地方猪种&淮南猪为母本,美系杜洛克猪为父本,经过杂交、横交固定而新培育出的一个瘦肉型品种。

    Yunan black pig becomes a new lean breed through hybridization and horizontal . Local pig breeds - Huainan pig as female parent , Duroc of the United States as male parent .

  26. 导入美系杜洛克猪血液25%,50%,75%的肥育猪性能:日增重分别为755769和815g;

    The three types of hybrid fattening pigs with 25 % , 50 % and 75 % American Duroc blood had average daily gain of 755 g , 769 g and 815 g ;

  27. 杜洛克生长猪理想氨基酸平衡的研究

    The study of balanced amino acids on Duroc growing pigs

  28. 苜蓿草粉在杜洛克生长肥育猪生产上的应用研究

    The Application Study of the Alfalfa Meals in the Production of Growing-finishing Duroc

  29. 杜洛克和大约克猪体重和体尺性状间典型相关分析

    Canonical Correlation Analysis of Body Weight and Body Measurement Traits in Duroc and Yorkshire

  30. 在杜洛克×施格生长猪的日粮中添加不同浓度的铜,观察不同铜水平对生长猪的生长性能及血清学指标的影响。

    Observations were made in growing pigs ( Duroc x Segher ) fed with different levels of copper in diet .