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lā ta
  • sloppy;dirty;slovenly;unkempt;dowdy;squalor;shaggy
邋遢 [lā tà]
  • (1) [slovenly;dirty;dowdy;sloppy]

  • 眼见得路迢遥,芒鞋邋遢,抵多少古道西风鞭瘦马。--王子一《误入桃源》

  • (2) 如:邋遢(肮脏;不整洁)

邋遢[lā ta]
  1. 再两秒我就要成“邋遢乔安”了。

    I 'm gonna be sloppy Joanne in about two seconds .

  2. 邋遢的人不能忍受放弃任何东西。

    Sloppy people can 't bear to part with anything .

  3. 我儿子邋遢极了,女儿也不比他强。

    My son 's terribly untidy ; my daughter 's no different .

  4. 你为什么非得这么邋遢?

    Why do you have to be so untidy ?

  5. 他养成了懒散邋遢的习惯。

    He grew lazy and slovenly in his habits .

  6. 他看着有点邋遢。

    He looked a little scruffy .

  7. 你真邋遢!

    You 're a mess !

  8. 那里的人们,穿得很邋遢,盯着我们看。

    The people there , quite raggedy , stare at us .

  9. 他跟着她上了一段摇摇晃晃的楼梯,来到了一间邋遢的卧室起居室两用房间。

    He followed her up a rickety staircase to a squalid bedsit

  10. 他的制服皱巴巴的,邋遢不堪,还溅上了泥点。

    His uniform was crumpled , untidy , splashed with mud

  11. 他们周末穿着邋遢的毛衫和裤子到处闲逛。

    They knock around on weekends in grubby sweaters and pants

  12. 我当时看上去一定很邋遢。

    I must look like something the cat dragged in .

  13. 我男朋友过去常常叫我“邋遢的懒小胖”。

    My boyfriend used to call me a fat slob .

  14. 他看上去又疲惫,又邋遢。

    He looked weary and bedraggled .

  15. 她母亲相貌平平,看上去很邋遢。

    Her mother was rather plain and looked very dowdy .

  16. 自从他失业以来,他的样子总是那样邋遢。

    Ever since he lost his job , he has been looking rather down at the heels .

  17. 你外表太邋遢了。

    You look a mess .

  18. 这位管理员向同层其他人散布关于岂儿斯勒的流言蜚语,大伙都把他看作一个邋遢老头而躲开他。

    The janitor had spread the word about Kessler to the others on the floor , and they shunned him as a dirty old man .

  19. 我连看也不想看那个邋遢的女人。

    I really cannot bear the sight of that sloven woman .

  20. 他邋遢的外表并不反映他的性格。

    His scruffy appearance does not reflect his character .

  21. 邋遢”并非宗教的一部分

    Slovenliness no part of religion . “

  22. 很多女性直到一次令人心碎的离婚后才意识到自己已经邋遢了很久,就像露西写的,

    Many women didn 't realize their floppy3 appearance after a heartbroken marriage . Lucy wrote ,

  23. 佩克姆将军谈到清洁和拖延的那些简报,使梅杰少校感到自己象一个邋遢的、作风拖拉的家伙。

    General Peckem 's communications about cleanliness and procrastination made Major Major feel like a filthy procrastinator .

  24. 我可不想让我的约会对象认为我像猪一样邋遢,所以我用“单身汉清洗法”搞定了脏盘子,把它们扔进碗柜。

    Example : I didn 't want my date to think I was a pig , so I bachelor washed the dishes and tossed them in the cupboard .

  25. 克拉默公司的经理对他说,两个衣着邋遢的小子走进自己的店里,挥舞着一张ByteShop的订单。

    The Cramer manager told him that two scruffy kids had just walked in waving an order from the Byte Shop .

  26. 失之交臂:最佳男配角,1996——威廉姆·H·梅西有被提名,但是巴斯米在《冰血暴》中扮演阴暗邋遢的卡尔·肖沃尔特一角令人印象深刻,他也应得此项殊荣。

    Most robbed for : Supporting Actor , 1996 - William H Macy was nominated , but Buscemi 's unforgettably scuzzy Carl Showalter in Fargo should have shared the honour . 14 .

  27. 所谓的大泥球就是一个偶然结构的,伸展的,邋遢的,spaghetti代码的混合。

    A Big Ball of Mud is a haphazardly structured , sprawling , sloppy , duct-tape-and-baling-wire , spaghetti-code jungle .

  28. 亚历山大。弗莱明(AlexanderFleming)当年能发现青霉素(penicillin)正是因为他臭名昭著的散漫邋遢的个性:他当时落了只培养皿(petridish)没洗,真菌孢子因而有机会对细菌产生作用。

    Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin because he was notoriously untidy , and didn 't clean a petri dish , thus allowing fungal spores to get to work on bacteria .

  29. 李秀景(LeeSoo-­kyung,见右图)的姣好面容似乎与领子邋遢的衬衫不相称。此刻,她瞪着眼前热气腾腾的盘子,狼吞虎咽地吃下一大口米饭,对距离自己的脸仅一根筷子开外的摄像机并不在乎。

    Eyes bulging at the steaming plate before her , Lee Soo - ­ kyung eagerly wolfs down a mouthful of rice , unperturbed by the film camera hovering a chopstick 's length from her face .

  30. 男女主持会被提醒记住这些规则。好了,这下清楚了,媒体放映场没有任何着装要求:着装邋遢的记者们可穿着人字拖与运动鞋随意踏上皇宫广场(Palais)的阶梯。

    Perhaps wisely , press screenings are exempt from any dress code : scruffy journalists are free to ascend the Palais ' steps in flip flops and trainers .
