
  • 网络chaotianmen
  1. 矗立于重庆大门的文物珍品《朝天门广场赋》孕含丰富文化内涵。

    Rhapsody of Chaotianmen Square , historic relic and art treasure , contains rich cultural connotation .

  2. 首先将重庆朝天门两江隧道与国内外一些知名海底隧道进行比较,得出其在盾构施工方法下的覆盖层厚度建议。

    At first , the reasonable cover thickness for submarine tunnel of Chaotianmen in Chongqing is proposed by comparing this tunnel with some domestic and foreign well-known submarine tunnels .

  3. 重庆市朝天门两江隧道越江段合理覆盖层厚度研究

    Study on the Reasonable Cover Thickness for Submarine Tunnel of Chao-Tian-Men in Chongqing by Shield Construction

  4. 朝天门码头让世界早早地牵手重庆,也注定了这个城市的发展是以码头为中心向两江沿岸展开;

    Chongqing 's development is centered at docks , outspreading to the banks along the Jialing and Yangtze rivers .

  5. 结合朝天门大桥的施工过程,对大跨度钢桁架拱桥的施工特点和施工计算进行探讨,并对施工计算方法提出参考建议。

    Combining with the construction procedure of Chaotian Gate bridge , author investigates the features and calculation methods of construction and proposes some useful advice .

  6. “政府搭台、经营者唱戏”是朝天门市场的现有管理模式,其实质是政府管市场。

    Current management mode of Caotianmen market is to set up the stage to let businessmen develop , whose essence is to implement market management .

  7. 本文通过朝天门大桥和大宁河大桥的极限承载能力分析,确定了钢桁架拱桥体系的破坏路径和破坏机理。

    With the ultimate carrying capacity analysis of Chaotian Gate bridge and Daning River bridge , paper determines the failure route and mechanism of steel trussed arch bridges .

  8. 至今,重庆朝天门长江南岸的那块“夫归石”或称“望夫石”,还在向人们诉说着许多关于大禹与涂山氏之间的动人故事。

    So far , the south bank of the Yangtze River in Chongqing Chaotianmen piece " to the stone-fu " or " Rock ", is still much to tell people about Dayu and 's touching story between .

  9. 文章针对目前情况提出了采用有限元的求解方法,并结合公路隧道施工规范,模拟了拟建的重庆朝天门两江隧道在不同隧道覆盖层厚度时的拱顶位移和拉应力的分布及大小。

    In this context , authors of the paper , considering the Highway Tunnel Construction Code , adopted FEM to compute the crown displacements and principal tensile stresses in arch crown under different overburden thicknesses of a subaqueous tunnel .