
  • 网络escape from freedom;The Fear of Freedom
  1. 出于“逃避自由”的社会心理,大学生考证热潮迭起;

    Under the social pressure of " Escape from freedom ", certificate craze happens frequently on campus .

  2. 论现代人的生存困惑&析西方马克思主义者弗洛姆的逃避自由观

    On Modern People 's Existence Dilemma & Analyzing " Escape from Freedom ", the View of West Marxist Fromm

  3. 美国一位著名的精神分析学家曾经写过一本名为《逃避自由》(TheFearofFreedom)的书。

    A noted American psychoanalyst once wrote a book entitled The Fear of Freedom .

  4. 从逃避自由心理机制看高校快餐型书籍的流行

    The Pop Culture of Fast-Food Books to Introspect the Escape of Freedom in Psychology

  5. 逃避自由最常见的方法是随波逐流,无时不地唯时尚是从。

    But the most occurring mechanism to escape freedom is , being everywhere in vogue , conformism .

  6. 消解现代自由的悖论&《逃避自由》读后记

    Obviating the Paradox of Modern Freedom & After Reading The Free of Freedom Freedom freedom ; Escape

  7. 自由与孤独:现代人的困境及其出路&读弗洛姆《逃避自由》

    Liberty and Solitude : the Dilemma and Solution of the Modern People & Interpreting Fromm s Escape From Freedom ;

  8. 飞速发展的资本主义使逃避自由和异化逐渐成为当代人特有的生活困境。

    With the rapid development of capitalism , escape from freedom and alienation become the typical living predicaments of modern people .

  9. 我现在休斯顿,努力逃避自由球员谈判的各种喧嚣。

    Here in Houston we 're just trying to ignore the free agency talk that 's going on around the league .

  10. 弗洛姆在《逃避自由》中真正要表达的主题是:逃避孤独,放弃自由。

    The true theme Fromm wants to express in " Escape From Freedom " is to escape from solitude and abandon freedom .

  11. 大多数人研究他的逃避自由说,但极少人对他的生存思想给予关注。

    Most people research on his theory of the fear of freedom , but few people pay close attention to his existence thought .

  12. 同时,他关于逃避自由的分析也破解了伯林消极的自由不会走向其反面的观点。

    Moreover , his analysis of escaping from freedom proves wrong Berlin 's belief that negative liberty could not be transformed into its reversal .

  13. 弗洛姆逃避自由思想对解析我国社会转型期民众心理的启示

    The Revelation of Peoples Mental State during the Social Transition Period in China in Perspective of Fromms Thought of " Escape from Freedom "

  14. 弗洛姆是西方马克思主义的重要代表人物,他的《逃避自由》一书在全球影响很大。

    Fromm was an important representative personage of West Marxism . His book ," Escape from Freedom " has a great influence on the world .

  15. 在萨特看来,人是自由的,但人为了逃避自由、逃避责任而陷入了自欺的困境。

    In Sartre 's opinion , man is free , but man is involved in the dilemma of self-deception for evading his freedom and responsibility .

  16. 弗洛姆认为,要改变这种面对自由而又逃避自由的两难境地中人的心理机制,就必须要建立健全的人格和健全的社会。

    Fromm thought , in order to change the psychological mechanism that the dilemma of face of freedom and escape from freedom , must establish perfect personality and society .

  17. 资本主义社会的不合理性造成了传播的不合理性,即人们不得不以放弃或逃避自由的方式来实现与世界的联系。

    The irrationality of capitalistic society has caused irrational communication , people having to give up or escape from freedom in order to realize the contact with the world .

  18. 我如此,迁到美国的弗洛姆也一定因此有感而发,写下名著《逃避自由》。

    That happens to me , and it must be happened to the American psychologist Erich Fromm & so tortured that he wrote the famous book " Escape from Freedom " .

  19. 然而在现代社会中却普遍存在着以非生产性的品格、重占有的生存方式和逃避自由的心理机制为主要特征的非生产性人格。

    However , there widely exists non-productive personality which is characteristic of the non-productive character , the existential pattern of having preference , and the mental mechanism of escaping from freedom .

  20. 但随着个体自由感的增加,无能为力和孤独感也与日俱增,人们不堪忍受这种孤独和焦虑,开始逃避自由。

    However , with an increasing sense of individual freedom , the sense of powerlessness and loneliness are increasing , too . People are unable to endure loneliness and anxiety , so they began to escape from freedom .

  21. 随后论文揭示了约瑟夫在生存困境中痛苦地挣扎以寻求出路时所遭遇的悖逆:他寻求自由却逃避自由,寻求自我却放弃自我。

    Further interpretation in this thesis unfolds two paradoxes Joseph encounters in his painful struggle in the existential dilemma : he quests for freedom yet escapes from it ; he quests for the authentic self yet surrenders it .

  22. 从弗罗姆“逃避自由”的心理机制观来看,高校“快餐型”书籍的流行既有社会文化原因,也有经济利益等方面的原因,它会对当代大学生产生消极的影响。

    The paper attempts to adopt the " Escape of Freedom " in psychology from E · Fromm to analyze the reason of the pop culture of " Fast-Food " books and the passive effect to the university students .

  23. 另一方面,获得这种自由的前提是以牺牲自我的安全感和归属感为代价,这时人们又会感到孤独、无权力和不安全感,从而产生了逃避自由的心理。

    On the other hand , was based on the premise that freedom of self-sacrifice of a sense of belonging and a sense of security at the cost , then people will not feel lonely without power and the sense of insecurity , resulting in the escape of mental freedom .

  24. 仅仅有消极自由而没有人自身能力的发展,其结果是人们以各种方式逃避获得的自由。

    If there is only freedom from , without the development of our own capability , man will try any means to escape from freedom .

  25. 个体化与孤独感的生存矛盾决定了人们既要不懈地追求自由,又以各种方式逃避消极的自由,这种消极的自由在当今的西方社会中表现为人性的异化。

    The existential dichotomy of " individualism and the feeling of loneliness " determines that people should pursue freedom untiringly , and escaping " passive freedom " by various kinds of way , such " passive freedom " displays human nature alienation in contemporary western society .