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táo sàn
  • Escape;become separated in flight
逃散 [táo sàn]
  • [become separated in flight] 奔逃流散

逃散[táo sàn]
  1. 枪声一响,人群便逃散了。

    At the first gunshot , the crowd scattered .

  2. 部队仓皇逃散。

    The troops fled in disarray .

  3. 当校长一出现,孩子们匆匆逃散。

    The children scuttled off as soon as the headmaster appeared .

  4. 当警察出现的时候,劫匪四处逃散。

    The robbers ran away in all directions when the policemen appeared .

  5. 武装力量随后进行了扫荡,用机枪扫射四处逃散的人群。

    Military forces then swooped down to machine gun the fleeing population .

  6. 看见他们的司令官被射中,敌人向四面八方逃散。

    Seeing their commander shot , the enemy fled in all directions .

  7. 鸟儿惊恐地叫了起来,小动物们四处逃散。

    The birds cried in alarm and small animals scattered .

  8. 庞培的年轻士兵被吓得四处逃散。

    Panic spreads among Pompey 's young soldiers as they turn and flee .

  9. 星期三在警察开枪射击警告下,缅甸僧吕和其他抗议人群被迫逃散。

    Monks and other protesters scatter Wednesday after police fired warning shots to stop a demonstration .

  10. 间歇泉是一种间歇喷发的温泉;人们从正在喷发的火山那里逃散开去。

    A geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring ; people fled from the erupting volcano .

  11. 几分钟后袭击者逃散,并且在大街上开火。

    After several minutes , the men fled , after having continued firing in the middle of the street .

  12. 负责人声称他们是在持枪者向逃散的儿童射击时被迫发动营救行动的。

    Authorities said they had been forced to launch a rescue operation when the gunmen opened fire on fleeing children .

  13. 而当消防人员赶到事发现场时,这些飞行刺客又扑向了他们、使这些援救人员四处逃散。

    As firefighters rushed to the scene , the flying stingers turned on them , sending the rescue crews running .

  14. 在我们或在其他任何星系上的观测者会产生这种错觉&他的邻居正在向各方向逃散。

    An observer on our galaxy or on any other would get this illusion of his neighbors fleeing in all directions .

  15. 即使楼梯没有因地震而倒塌,也会被众多的逃散人群而压塌。

    Even if the stairs are not collapsed by the earthquake , they may collapse later when overloaded by fleeing people .

  16. 耶路撒冷教会有一个美好的开始,可是,后来当逼迫临到,信徒便逃散到各地。

    The Jerusalem church had a wonderful start , but then was hit by persecution and many of its members were scattered .

  17. 当屋子里的人听到有人喊“起火啦!起火啦!”时,他们惊慌失措,四处逃散。

    When people in the room heard someone crying " Fire ! Fire !" they were seized by panic and began to run in all directions .

  18. 从电视画面上看到,成千上万的人惊恐地大声叫喊,四处逃散,有些人身上都散落着灰白色的火山灰,政府官员在努力帮他们逃离现场。

    Television footage showed thousands of people fleeing the eruptions in panic , some covered in white ash , as officials tried to help them escape the area .

  19. 上周,奥克兰市市长通知外国罪犯移民海关执法部门要采取强制措施,为他们逃散和隐瞒当局提供了时间。

    And last week , the mayor of Oakland warned criminal aliens of a coming ICE enforcement action , giving them time to scatter and hide from authorities .

  20. 在进村子处设了防御工事,但是普鲁士的弹片一飞,大家全又逃散了,于是罗博就缚。

    The entrance to the village was barricaded , but at the first volley of Prussian canister , all took to flight again , and Lobau was taken .

  21. 目击者说,虽然大多数的顾客在听到枪声和爆炸声后,已经纷纷的逃散,但是范•达姆在激战的当时仍然继续卖酒。

    Eye witnesses said Van Dam continued to serve beer during the attack although most of his clients ran away as soon they heard the gun shots and other explosions .

  22. 他的躯体的各省都叛变了,他的头脑的广场逃散一空,寂静侵入到近郊,他的感觉之流中断:他成了他的爱读者。

    The provinces of his body revolted , The squares of his mind were empty , Silence invaded the suburbs , The current of his feeling failed ; he became his admirers .

  23. 士兵应征入伍后,刚编入部队就逃亡回家,或者刚上战场就自行溃败,这就会出现大量的逃散伤亡,可是平庸的将领却不能制止。

    When conscripts have been assigned to the army but they run off to their native places , or flee when they approach a battle , the harm caused by the deserters is great .

  24. 约纳堂的部下都逃散了,除军长阿贝沙隆的儿子玛塔提雅,和哈耳非的儿子犹大外,没有剩下一个。

    And all that were on Jonathan 's side fled , and none was left of them , but Mathathias the son of Absalom , and Judas the son of Calphi , chief captain of the army .

  25. 在人口逃散,郎中躲避的可怕情况下,我国近代医学奠基人伍连德率2000名志愿者奔赴疫区,终于遏止了这次凶险的疫情。

    In the frightening situation where population became separated and doctors avoided , WU Liande , the founder of Chinese modern medicine , led 2000 volunteers to rush toward the epidemic area , and finally suppressed the ominous dangerous epidemic situation .

  26. 我们害怕觉醒,害怕孤独,一时一刻也离不了我们名之曰娱乐的那些嘈杂和混乱。冯云卿惊喊起来,一切杂乱的感想立刻逃散,只剩下一种情绪:惊奇而又暗喜。

    We are afraid to be awake , afraid to be alone , afraid to be a moment without the noise and confusion we call entertainment . Feng Yun-ching gasped in astonishment . The mental turmoil instantly ceased , leaving only two impressions in his mind : amazement and delight .