
táo yì
  • escape;run away;abscond
逃逸 [táo yì]
  • [escape;run away;abscond] 逃跑

逃逸[táo yì]
  1. 色球耀斑Hα逃逸光子的三维重构和演化分析

    Three-dimensional Reconstruction of the Escape Photons of a Solar H α Flare

  2. 进一步对影响氨逃逸的因素进行了参数灵敏度分析,结果表明,pH值对氨逃逸速率的影响程度最大。

    The sensitivity analysis showed that pH is the most sensitive parameter affecting ammonia escape .

  3. 他被车撞死,车主肇事后逃逸了。

    He was killed in a hit-and-run .

  4. 持枪歹徒坐上一辆由同伙驾驶的摩托车逃逸。

    The gunman escaped on a motorcycle being ridden by an accomplice .

  5. 警方正在通缉交通事故的逃逸者。

    The runaway of the traffic accident is wanted by the police .

  6. 但愿那逃逸了的多情往昔

    Could the passionate past that is fled

  7. 盖层特性对CO2埋存逃逸速度的影响

    The Effect of the Characteristics of Cap on the Escaping Velocity of CO_2

  8. 电子逃逸效应对PIN探测器γ灵敏度的影响

    Impact of electron-escaping effect on the γ - ray sensitivity of PIN detector

  9. 重组HBsAg免疫逃逸突变体的表达及其抗原性分析

    Expression of recombinant antibody-escape-mutants of HBsAg and its antigenic analysis

  10. 结果:两组逃逸系数、稳定水平、重力系数、2项指标的P值均<0.05,有显著差异,亚健康群体的脑功能活动不同于健康群体。

    Results : There were significant differences between the two groups in escape modulus ? steady level and gravitational modulus ( P < 0 05 ) .

  11. 由逃逸电子轰击器壁而发射的硬X射线强度大大减弱。

    The intensity of the hard X-rays emitted from the wall due to the runaway electron bombardment is weakened strongly .

  12. 因此,如何提高DC的功能,避免肿瘤逃逸的发生,是当今肿瘤免疫治疗的研究热点之一。

    Thus , the study on immune therapy is focused on enhancing functional activity of DC and breaking tumor escape mechanisms .

  13. 肿瘤细胞逃逸Fas系统介导的免疫杀伤的研究

    A Study on Tumor Cells Escaping from Fas-Mediated Apoptosis

  14. AES深度分布测量的精确分析和电子逃逸深度的测定

    Accurate Analysis of AES Depth Profiles and Determination of Electron Escape Depth

  15. 脐带血造血干细胞逃逸NK细胞杀伤机制的实验研究

    Mechanisms of Umbilical Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells Escaping from NK Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity

  16. RAS阻断剂治疗原发性高血压醛固酮逃逸现象临床观察

    Aldosterone escape in treatment of essential hypertension with RAS blockers

  17. 上周六,运载火箭长征二号F和逃逸塔均已顺利安装在发射台上。

    The spacecraft , its Long-March II-F carrier rocket and the escape tower were fitted on the launch pad on Saturday .

  18. 用加速逃逸时间算法构造Julia集图形

    An accelerative escape time algorithm for constructing Julia set image

  19. 一旦把转基因和它的地理信息结合起来,地理信息系统(GIS)就成为监控转基因逃逸的理想工具。

    If transgenes and its geographic information are combined up , GIS ( Geographic Information System ) becomes an ideal tool for monitoring transgene escape .

  20. FasL基因表达与食管癌免疫逃逸关系的研究

    Tumor immune escape and FasL gene in esophageal carcinoma

  21. 逃逸时间算法绘制二次函数的Julia集分形图

    The Drawing of Quadratic Function Julia Set Fractal Picture Based on Escape Time Algorithm

  22. 通过随机给变量赋初值,统计采用基于多agent系统的分布式逃逸算法求解约束满足问题所需的求解步数,不同类型问题的求解性能具有很大的差别。

    By randomly initializing the variables , we apply the Distributed Breakout Algorithm to constraint satisfaction problems based on a multi-agent system . This method exhibits a large variability in performance .

  23. 膀胱移行细胞癌组织Fas/Fasl和c-myc表达与肿瘤免疫逃逸相关性研究

    Relationship between expressions of Fas / Fasl and c-myc in BTCC and immune evasion of tumor

  24. 逃逸时间算法生成的Julia集在纺织图案设计中的应用研究

    Julia Sets Generated by Escape Time Algorithm is at the Application of the Textile Pattern Design

  25. 提出了一个逼近Julia集的算法,并与反函数迭代算法及逃逸时间算法进行了分析比较。

    A new approximation of Julia sets is proposed and compared with the two present approximations .

  26. HL-1托卡马克中逃逸电子的最高能量和光致中子

    Photoneutron production and energy of runaway electrons in the HL-1 TOKAMAK

  27. 测量了硬X射线闪烁谱及其空间分布,讨论了逃逸电子产生的硬X射线强度与充气压强、环电流、纵向磁场之间的关系。

    The hard X-ray scintillation spectrum and its space distribution are measured . The relation between hard X-ray intensity , pressure of filling gas and toroidal current is discussed .

  28. 在美国政府官员和乐观的股市投资者中间流行的第三种理论是,在量化宽松政策结束后,美国国债收益率会继续上升,因为美国经济届时将已经达到逃逸速度(escapevelocity)。

    A third theory in vogue among Washington bureaucrats and Panglossian equity investors , is that yields will continue rising after QE ends because the economy will have reached escape velocity .

  29. 人鼻咽癌细胞SUME逃逸NK细胞免疫杀伤机制的初步探讨

    Escaping mechanism of malignant nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell SUME from natural killer cell-mediated immune surveillance

  30. 结论肿瘤患者NK细胞表面NKG2A/NKG2D表达失衡,可能是肿瘤免疫逃逸的机制之一。

    Conclusions Imbalance expression of NKG2A and NKG2D on peripheral NK cell of patient with tumor may be an important factor in tumor immunological escape .