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  • granary
  • 米仓,亦指储藏的米:仓~。~生(即“廪膳生员”,中国明、清两代称由府、州、县按时发给银子和补助生活的生员)。~饩(旧指由官府供给的粮食)。

  • 积聚,郁结:“~于肠胃”。


[书](粮仓) granary:

  • 仓廪

    public granary

  1. 汉代边郡军粮廪给问题探讨

    On the Problem of Grain Supply in the Border of Han Dynasty

  2. 土家族《廪歌》探究

    Probing into the " Lin Song " of TuJia Nationality

  3. 要素廪赋是增进教育生产可能性边界真实的有效工具。

    The allocation of resources is the real and effective tool to push educational production .

  4. 民间文学资源的创造性转换&关于长阳廪君神话复活的理论思考

    Creative Transfer of Folk Literature Resources

  5. 对襄樊市“襄”“樊”得名的文化人类学诠释&兼论巴楚文化的南北演变及廪君系巴人五姓的起源地

    Explanation of " Xiang " and " Fan " of the name of Xiangfan City by using culture and anthropology

  6. 其立法思想旨在以较为丰厚的廪禄且辅以重典的双重作用下,减少乃至杜绝宋朝吏员在执行公务过程中贪赃行为的发生。

    The legislative intention was to reduce , even eradicate the officials ′ corruption by means of a dual deal-fat salary and severe punishment .

  7. 珥1:17谷种在土块下朽烂.仓也荒凉、廪也破坏.因为五谷枯乾了。

    The seeds shrivel under their clods ; The storehouses are desolate , The barns are torn down , For the grain is dried up .

  8. 七姓证盟西迁与隐居的史诗&武陵山腹地的廪歌研究南宋词人黄升隐居的社会文化动因探析

    An epic about the alliance of seven Tujia tribes and their westward migration into seclusion A Research into the Social and Cultural Causes of Huang-Sheng Living Seclusion in South Song Dynasty

  9. 殷墟的考古发现显示商代的农业已发展到相当高的水平:农具显著改善,石制或木制的犁、铲、镰刀得到广泛使用;主要的农作物有稻、粟、小麦;商人还建造了储存谷物的廪。

    The findings in the ruins of Yin show that the productivity reached a relatively high standard : farm implements had been improved with ploughs , spades and sickles made of wood or stone were widely used ; the primary crops included rice , millet and wheat ; cellars for storing grain were built , too , by the merchants .
