
  • 网络The Sane Society
  1. 弗洛姆通过分析居于人的性格结构核心地位的社会性格来批判资本主义社会的现实,提出通过培养生产性社会性格来塑造健全的人,进而建立健全的社会这一救世良方。

    By analyzing Social Character , which is the key status in the character structure , Fromm criticized the capitalist society , proposed a way leading to the sane society by the cultivation of sound personality , which could be achieved by the training of productive social character .

  2. 弗洛姆技术人道化思想的最终目的,是促成一个以人的福祉、人的自由、人的全面发展为最高目标的健全的社会(thesanesociety)。

    The main goal of Fromm 's thought was to develop a sane society which highest target was human 's well-being , freedom and whole development .

  3. 在系统范式下建设健全的社会文化

    Building up perfect social culture with systematic model form

  4. 称职的管理人员应该有健全的社会道德标准。

    Good managers have sound social and ethical norms .

  5. 他是一个完全健全的社会人。

    He 's still a walking , talking , fully-productive member of society .

  6. 阐述了建立健全的社会保障制度的原则;

    The principle of setting up a healthy rural social security system is defined .

  7. 法律的首要职责即是维持健全的社会。

    The first duty of law is to keep sound the society it serves .

  8. 一个更健全的社会保险体系应会促使中国人消费,而不再一味地储蓄。

    A greater safety net should entice the Chinese to consume rather than save .

  9. 只有这样,我们才能拥有公平、健全的社会环境。

    Only in this way can we have a fair and sound social environment .

  10. 发现同时还为孤独感和不健全的社会能力提供的佐证。

    We also find more evidence of loneliness and more individuals reporting inadequate social support .

  11. 公司为受聘者提供丰厚的薪资待遇,健全的社会保险(五险一金)以及商业保险。

    We would provide employee competitive wage , whole set of social-benefits and commercial insurance .

  12. 只有不为社会所收买的人才能创建健全的社会。

    It is only the man unpurchasable by society that can create the sound society .

  13. 健全的社会都会容忍异议。

    All healthy societies can tolerate dissent .

  14. 系统范式与健全的社会文化

    System Paradigm and Sound Social Culture

  15. 公司为员工提供丰厚的薪资待遇,健全的社会保险以及商业保险。

    The company provides employee with competitive wage , whole set of social-benefits and commercial insurance .

  16. 缺乏健全的社会安全保障经常被认为是中国高储蓄率的一个原因。

    The lack of a social safety net is often blamed for the high Chinese saving rate .

  17. 消费者的储蓄远大于他们的支出,部分原因在于,中国缺乏一个健全的社会保障体系。

    Consumers save way more than they spend partly because China lacks an adequate social safety net .

  18. 我国政府一直在积极创造条件,向健全的社会福利体系过渡。

    But our government has being strived to create positive conditions to transit to sound social welfare system .

  19. 健全的社会保障制度可以调节劳动力结构,促进劳动力资源合理配置,否则就会阻碍劳动力市场的健康运行。

    Sound social security system can adjust the structure of labor force and promote rational allocation of labor resources .

  20. 他认为,只有在一个健全的社会保障体系,才能有消费者信心。

    He agreed , it is only in a sound social security system , can we have consumer confidence .

  21. 对于亚洲政策制定者而言,建立健全的社会保障网络和刺激国内私人消费显然难度太大。

    Apparentlyit is too hard for Asian policymakers to establish robust social safety nets and stimulate internal private consumption .

  22. 同时,保险企业内部应当建立清晰健全的社会责任治理模式,确保社会责任的切实履行。

    At the same time , the insurance company shall establish clear governance and ensure the effective implementation of social responsibility .

  23. 在一个制度健全的社会里,这类人应该被看作是社会的危害。

    In a properly constituted system of society such men as these would be regarded as a danger to the community .

  24. 我们的利己主义总是和一组公共价值观联系在一起,那是每个健全的社会所倚仗的凝聚力。

    Our individualism has always been bound by a set of communal values , the glue upon which every healthy society depends .

  25. 出于人道主义的关怀,他主张构建一个健全的社会,使人得到自由全面的发展。

    He finally composes a " perfect society " out of humanitarianism , in which everyone can get free and all-out development .

  26. 现代社会是一个法制健全的社会,法制文明的建设是现代人关注的焦点问题。

    Modern society is a sound legal systematic one . The construction of modern civilization is always the focus of the problem .

  27. 由于缺乏健全的社会保障体系,中国消费者必须攒钱防范生病和失业,这也影响了需求。

    Demand also suffers because , lacking a robust social security system , Chinese consumers save up as insurance against illness and unemployment .

  28. 时至今日,我国已经建立起了包括养老、医疗、失业、工伤以及生育等项目在内的比较健全的社会保险体系。

    Today , our country has been established perfect social insurance system including pension , medical , unemployment , work injury and maternity projects .

  29. 弗洛姆认为必须在经济、政治、文化、心理、价值等方面实行改革,建立健全的社会。

    Reforms must be carried out in economy , politics , culture , mentality and value-orientation in the process of creating a sound society .

  30. 我国公务员薪酬制度激励性问题研究退休福利金安全制度同时依赖于健全的社会福利保险制度。

    The Research of Chinese Civil Servants Compensation System Excitability Retirement security also depends upon keeping the commitments of Social Security ? and we will .