
  1. 公司的CEO说道:“CVS/药房结束出售香烟和烟草制品是为我们的客户和我们公司所做的正确事情,这样能够帮助人们更好的走上健康之路。

    From the company 's CEO , " Ending the sale of cigarettes and tobacco products at CVS / pharmacy is the right thing for us to do for our customers and our company to help people on their path to better health . "

  2. 我国水环境与水循环的健康之路

    Towards the healthy water cycle and water environment restoration of China

  3. 快速公共交通引导城市走健康之路

    The public express transport leads city to a healthy way

  4. 健康之路无捷径。

    There are no shortcuts to getting fit .

  5. 市场、原料、立法中国葡萄酒业的健康之路

    Market , raw materials and legislation & the healthy road of the Chinese wine industry

  6. 男:是查尔斯汉米尔顿开始建立健康之路美容治疗中心的么?

    Man : Wasn 't it Charles Hamilton who started Healthway 's beauty treatment centres ?

  7. 论自我保健&未来医学及身心健康之路

    On Self-Health Protection & The Future way of Medical Science and Sound in body and mind

  8. 男:我相信健康之路的金融策略这些年已经遭到批评。

    Man : Healthway 's financial strategy has been criticized in recent years , I believe .

  9. 你对《健康之路》有何看法?

    How about Road to Health ?

  10. 节食是通往健康之路

    Dieting Your Way to Health

  11. 找到健康之路的问题对他来说也不是那么容易的。

    He 's not going to find it as all easy to tackle all Healthway 's problems .

  12. 男:下周,健康之路公司,健康和美容连锁店,新总裁上任。

    Man : Next week , Healthway plc , the health and beauty chain , gets a new Chief Executive .

  13. 引领你的孩子走上一条通向未来的健康之路是你能为他们作的最重要的事情之一。

    Helping set your kids on the path to a healthy future is one of the most important things you can do for them .

  14. 女:在最近一位总裁之后,查尔斯哈米尔顿,健康之路集中到底线,致力于支持股票价格。

    Woman : Under the last Chief Executive , Charles Hamilton , Healthway concentrated on the bottom line , with the aim of supporting the share price .

  15. 研究者发现,仅仅通过欢笑的方式促进循环,比任何高科技治疗都有可能将您引领健康之路。

    It is likely to put you on the road to recovery more quickly than any hi-tech treatment , simply by increasing your circulation , researchers have found .

  16. 根据原因找到适应现在现实情况的基本解决方法,使我国市场经济和社会的发展走上一条健康之路。

    According to the reasons , this article finds out the basic settlement for the situation at present to lead our market economy and society into a healthy way .

  17. 上海世博会就是作为一种特定时期以一种特殊的形式推动全球化迈向健康之路,而这种力量就是“再全球化”现象。

    Shanghai World Expo is a specific period of time as a special form of promoting the globalization of the road towards health , and this force is " re-globalization " phenomenon .

  18. [qh]股东将亨洛视为健康之路公司的最后一次机会。[qh]男:公司面临激烈竞争,是么?[qh]女:没错。

    And the shareholders see Henlow as Healthway 's last chance . [ qh ] Man : The company faces stiff competition , doesn 't it ? [ qh ] Woman : That 's right .

  19. 因此,转化问题学生是一项全社会的系统工程,是艰苦而细致的工作。只要我们尊重他们,不歧视,不抛弃,他们一定会走上一条合乎自身个性发展的健康之路。

    Therefore , the transformation of " problem students " is a painstaking and meticulous work , as long as we respect them , non-discrimination , not abandoned , they will embark on a line with the health of their own development path .

  20. 男:下一周,健康之路公共有限公健康美容连锁店的新总裁将上任。[qh]下面请我们的记者琳妮解答为什么很多人将这个职位视为零售业最困难的工作之一。

    Man : Next week , Healthway plc , the health and beauty chain , gets a new Chief Executive . [ qh ] Here 's our reporter , Lynne Trencher , to tell us why many people regard the job as one of the most difficult in retailing .

  21. 男:开设健康之路美容中心的难道不是查尔斯·汉密尔顿么?[qh]女:没错,他任职总裁后的首个首要举措主要是建立一个单独连锁店[qh]除了销售健康美容产品外,还提供按摩以及其他美容项目。

    Man : Wasn 't it Charles Hamilton who started Healthway 's beauty treatment centres ? [ qh ] Woman : Yes , almost his first major action as Chief Executive was to set up a separate chain of stores that , [ qh ] in addition to selling health and beauty products , provided massage and other treatments .

  22. 为了公司能够长期稳定的发展,CT公司也在积极地寻求健康发展之路。

    For the long-term and stable development of company , CT insurance company is actively seeking a healthy way .

  23. 另外YD作为-个领军品牌,有责任和义务引领整个行业走上一个持续健康发展之路。

    YD , as a leading brand , should take the responsibilities and obligations to lead the industry to a sustainable and sound development way .

  24. 创新、共赢&数字电视产业健康发展之路

    Innovation 、 Win - win-the Way of DTV Industry Develops Healthily

  25. 随着事业的发展,健康却一路负债。

    With the boom of career , physical health is in debt .

  26. 真正走出一条健康发展之路。

    Thus they will follow a road of healthy development .

  27. 从结构调整中寻求土地市场健康发展之路

    Promote Healthy Development of Land Market through Structural Readjustment

  28. 浅析中国热熔胶工业健康发展之路

    Analysis of the hot melt adhesives industry in China

  29. 谈科技期刊的健康发展之路

    On the Healthy Development of Scientific Journals

  30. 中国水健康循环之路

    Towards the Healthy Water Cycle in China