
  1. 例:中国“健康扶贫工程”是继“希望工程”后的一项国这级扶贫项目。

    The Anti-Poverty , Health in China project is a national one like the Hope Project .

  2. 该指导意见还指出,健康扶贫项目是一项国家战略的一部分,以确保中国所有生活在贫困线以下的人的在2020年之前脱困。

    The health poverty alleviation project is part of a national strategy to ensure that all people living below the poverty line in China climb out by 2020 , the guideline said .

  3. 该中心创办了中国妇幼健康扶贫专网,济南市妇幼保健院争取到首批会员资格,作为妇幼远程教学网的一级站点负责山东省妇幼卫生远程教育工作。

    Jinan Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital has won over the member qualification of the which could take charge of the Maternity and Child Health Tele Education work of Shandong Province as the A station of MCH Tele Education Net .

  4. 发表论文,特别是在有影响力的期刊上发表论文,会为更多和更好的研究带来资助,这将会促进那些通过改善健康来扶贫的项目。

    Publishing , especially in the influential journals , brings in funding for more and better research , she says , which will enhance programmes that look to alleviate poverty by improving health .