
  1. 武术散打的健身养生价值应用分析

    The Analysis of the Fitness - keeping Value of Sanda

  2. 构建民族传统健身养生课程体系的理论探讨谈中华武术与人体养生

    Theoretical study of constructing national traditional bodybuilding and health keeping curricular system

  3. 尤其在现代社会快节奏的生活下,太极拳是健身养生的最佳手段之一。

    Especially in the fast-paced life of modern society , Tai Chi is one of the best means of fitness regimen .

  4. 她还展示了她在赛前的饮食和健身养生方式,还坦诚每年的具体方法都不同。

    She also spilled on her pre-show diet and fitness regimen , admitting that she changes it up from year to year .

  5. 作为有着传统文化内涵的中国健身养生又体现了那些理念和精神呢?就成为需要关注和研究的重点所在。

    As a traditional culture connotation of Chinese fitness regimen and reflected the concept and spirit ? Becomes need attention and research the key .

  6. 进而得出,对教育的本质和课程的本质的理解,是开发民族传统健身养生课程的依据;

    Therefore , before structuring the curricular system , scientific contents of body keeping , promotion of modern health education and development of the courses etc.

  7. 太极拳是健身养生的文化瑰宝,其独特的运动特点和健身养生作用非常符合人体的运动规律。

    Taijiquan is a cultural treasure of fitness regimen , Motion characteristics of its unique role in health and fitness is very consistent with the movement of the body .

  8. 通过对太极拳的健身养生功能的研究,证明练习太极拳可以强身健体、延年益寿、陶冶情操、提高工作质量。

    Based on the research on the health-keeping function of Taijiquan , it proves that practicing Taijiquan can strengthen health , prolong life span , edify self-cultivation and improve work efficiency .

  9. 其丰富的健身养生思想内涵、健身哲学理念和健身之终极目的对后世产生深远的影响,是我国传统健身养生思想的起源之一。

    Confucius ' ideas on health is an indispensable component of Chinese traditional thoughts , and the healthy connotation , the philosophical conception , and the ultimate purpose of preserving one 's health in his ideas , has profound influence over the thinkers in afterworld .

  10. 火疗是火灸疗法的简称,简单地说就是通过在人体上燃烧熊熊大火对人的肌体进行理疗,从而达到祛病、健身、养生、美容、减肥的功效。

    Fire fire moxibustion treatment is short , simply the raging fire by burning the body on the human body for physical therapy , to achieve the illnesses , fitness , heath , beauty , slimming effect .

  11. 传统武术是中国传统文化的浓缩和载体,不论是从它的健身、养生、技击等功效上考虑,还是从它深遂的中国传统文化内涵都称之为是中国的一颗璀璨的明珠。

    Traditional martial arts is the concentration and carrier of Chinese traditional culture , both from its fitness , health , art of attack and other effects to consider , or from its rich Chinese traditional culture are known as a bright pearl .

  12. 武术传统训练理论在历史文化的视野中,它是最富有民族特色的健身术和养生术的理论。

    In the historical view , traditional training theories of martial art possess national features about health-keeping and health preservation .

  13. 现代科学健身观与传统养生文化的比较研究

    Comparative study of modern scientific idea about keeping health and traditional culture of keeping health

  14. 不过研究结果建议人们将欢笑作为健身计划的一部分(而不要把它当作唯一的健身养生法)。所以尽管去吧,大声地笑,或是再激烈一点:笑得在地板上打滚。

    But the results suggest you might make giggling part of your fitness routine . So go ahead , LOL. Or for a full workout , ROTFL .