
  • 网络No one cares
  1. 这个国家没有人在乎童贞的。

    No one cares about virginity in this country .

  2. 第一个原因是默默无闻性我们感到没有人在乎我们是否在那儿。

    The first is anonymity we feel no one cares that we are there .

  3. 没有人在乎我成功或失败。

    The universe doesn 't care if I succeed or fail .

  4. 没有人在乎你杀了个老头。

    No one minds when you kill an old person .

  5. 第一,没有人在乎我在做什么

    First , no one cared what I was doing .

  6. 似乎没有人在乎热或拥挤。

    Nobody seemed to mind being hot or crowded .

  7. 华盛顿没有人在乎你们

    Nobody in Washington gives a fuck about you .

  8. 可能是他们想反正没有人在乎。

    Maybe because they figure no one will care .

  9. 在中国似乎没有人在乎这个。

    No one in China seems to care .

  10. 我以前一直不解,为什么没有人在乎我讲了什么。

    I used to wonder why nobody pay any attention to what I say .

  11. 我真的很爱他,但我却觉得没有人在乎我。

    I love him , but I feel like no one cares about me .

  12. 更糟糕的是没有人在乎。

    Worse still , no one cares .

  13. 在那里没有人在乎我的话

    Where no one cares about my words

  14. 没有人在乎的你。

    For nobody cares for thee .

  15. 她觉得没有人在乎。

    She felt that nobody cared .

  16. 他说,出演《广告狂人》的经历让他明白,现在已经没有人在乎收视率了。

    As he has learned from his experiences on Mad Men , Mr. Hamm said , No one cares about ratings anymore .

  17. 众所周知,吸烟有害健康,而且时间长了甚至对生命造成威胁,然而,似乎没有人在乎这些警告。

    People know that smoking is harmful to the body and if long-term is even life threatening but it seems nobody heeds the warning .

  18. 这些人明知道抽烟是有害的并且时刻长了将风险生命但似乎并没有人在乎这个。

    These people know the harmful and if long term , even life threatening effects of smoking but it seems nobody heeds the warning .

  19. 具有讽刺意味的是,村里似乎没有人在乎这样一个事实:他们的家具设计都是从别人那里借来的。

    Ironically , no one in the village seems bothered by the fact their furniture designs were all , originally , borrowed from others .

  20. 他说,出演《广告狂人》的经历让他明白,“现在已经没有人在乎收视率了”。

    As he has learned from his experiences on " Mad Men , " Mr. Hamm said , " No one cares about ratings anymore . "

  21. 这是枚光荣的银牌,此时没有人在乎是不是金牌,相信全场观众那热烈的掌声已经证明!

    This is a glorious sliver medal , now nobody care about if it 's golden o r not , the ardent applause form all spectators have proved it already !

  22. 但没有人在乎这个,大家更关心的是,充斥着“不堪回首”之类的2004年过去之后,房地产的明天是否会更好。

    But no one care about , we are more concerned with is that was full of " stuff " category in2004 in the past , whether real estate will be better tomorrow .

  23. 但是,在这个社会里,似乎没有人在乎他们所缴纳的税金支撑了一支杀戮平民的军队。这些平民和美国的平民没有任何区别。

    Yet here in this society , no one appears to care that their tax money funds armies that bring death and destruction to civilians , civilians who are no different from civilians in this country .

  24. 布莱德彼特票房上可以吸引数百万人,他英俊潇洒、深具魅力,至于他是否会不会演戏,则没有人在乎。

    Brad Pitt can attract millions of people to the box office . He 's very good looking , and very charismatic , and it 's not even clear if he can act , but who cares ?

  25. 话又说回来,到底是什么原因使人们仍旧继续抽烟呢?这些人明知道吸烟是有害的并且时间长了将危害生命但似乎并没有人在乎这个。

    However , what are the reasons why people still continue to smoke ? These people know the harmful and if long term , even life threatening effects of smoking but it seems nobody heeds the warning .

  26. 我不想再浪费眼泪,因为没有人会在乎。

    I do not want to waste any tears , because no one will care about .

  27. 似乎没有其他人在乎这一点。

    Nobody else seems to care .

  28. 我现在是孤身一人,我的意思是真的没有人会在乎我的生日。

    I am alone right now , and by that , I really mean there is no one who would care for my birthday .

  29. 从没有这么多人在乎我的死活。

    Never had so many people caring about what I was doing .

  30. 虽然必须要区别开,但实际上没有人知道,也没有人在乎到底谁是普林斯顿大学的,谁是高级研究院的。

    Although for technical purposes the distinction had to be drawn , in practice no one knew nor cared who was Princeton University and who was IAS .