
  1. 清风徐来。

    A refreshing breeze is blowing gently .

  2. 清风徐来,水波不兴。

    A cool breeze blew gently , without starting a ripple .

  3. 清风徐来,松涛竹籁,美景令人陶醉。

    A gentle breeze whistles through the pine forest and bamboo groves .

  4. 如果清风徐来,他喜欢让自己迎风吹拂。

    If there was any light breeze , he enjoyed feeling it blowing against him The slender willow twigs were swaying in the gentle spring breeze .

  5. 清代宫廷中的扇子,多种多样,用料上乘讲究,除了带给人们清风徐来的实际功用,俨然已是艺术品。

    Fans at the royal court varied widely . Exquisitely made , they were more than a tool for cooling people down ; they were extraordinary works of art .