
  • 网络Down-draft kiln;down draft kiln;reverse flame kiln;down draught kiln
  1. 燃煤倒焰窑烟尘治理方案初探

    Initial research on scheme of controlling smoke from coal-fired down-draft kiln

  2. 倒焰窑烟尘治理的实践与理论分析

    Practice and theoretic analysis of treating dust and gas from down-draft kiln

  3. 倒焰窑热工特性与改进方向研究

    Study on Downdraft Kiln 's Thermal Performances and its Improving Directions

  4. 小容积燃油高温倒焰窑的优化设计

    Optimum design for small volume oil-burned high temperature down-draft kiln

  5. 采用热煤气治理倒焰窑

    Reforming Inverted - flame Kiln by Hot Coal Gas

  6. 倒焰窑热工特性实验研究

    Experimental research on thermal performances of down draft kiln Education in the Flame

  7. 文章通过实例介绍了采用热煤气治理倒焰窑的技术,并分析了存在的问题、指出了改进的方向,为例焰窑提供了一条有效的技术途径。

    A case study shows that hot coal gas technique could be used to tackle the problem .

  8. 同时考察了宋代以煤作为燃料的重庆涂山窑群的半倒焰窑情况。

    At the same time , this paragraph introduce the situation of half pour flame kiln of Chong Qing Tu Hill Kiln group which uses the coal as the fuel .

  9. 并先后著有《龙泉青瓷釉色的研究》,《倒焰窑的设计建筑及节能问题》等学术专业论文。

    And he was the study of longquan celadon glaze color "," the fall of the architectural design and burning kiln problems such as energy saving of academic and professional papers .

  10. 燃煤倒焰窑烟尘治理,因其本身结构特点,若单纯采用末端治理,则投资大,治理效果不稳定,在治理上存在一定难度。

    Because of its structure peculiarity , treating smoke and dust pollutant from flame backward coal - burner was highly cost , it also took out unstable effect , if pure end treatment was adopted .

  11. 本文研究了倒焰窑、隧道窑生产海绵铁工艺中,罐中装料方式、还原剂种类、还原温度、还原时间等因素与海绵铁金属化率之间的关系。

    The relationship between loading way about coal and ore , kinds of reducing agent , reduction temperature , reduction time and the percentage metallization in reaction pot DR process have been researched in this article .

  12. 其中第一部分分析了唐宋时期三峡考古发现所见的两种窑炉类型&半倒焰和龙窑的发展演变情况,并对其中半倒焰窑的装烧工艺进行了介绍。

    The first part analyses the development situation for two kinds of ceramic kilns half pour flame kiln and bank kiln which was discovered at Tang Song dynasties at Three gorges area , and this paragraph introduces the Outfit burn process of half pour flame kiln .