
  • 网络douhe reservoir
  1. 计算结果确定了陡河水库左坝肩中的两个较强的集中渗漏位置,估计了三个微弱的集中渗漏大致位置。

    Two intense-leakage passages are located and three slight-leakage passages are roughly located at the left abutment of Douhe Reservoir in this calculation .

  2. 分析电厂运行前后及引滦前后电厂温排水和引滦调水对陡河水库水体富营养化的影响,证明水库温升和库容减少加剧了库区水体的富营养化进程。

    Analyzed are the influences of thermal discharge from a power plant and water diversion from the Luanhe River on the eutrophication of the Douhe Reservoir .