
  • 网络location based service;LBS;Location Based Service LBS;MLS
  1. 由于其根据位置提供相应信息的便捷性,移动位置服务在我国正以飞速进行发展。

    Because of the convenience of it , LBS are rapid developed in China .

  2. 移动位置服务(locationbasedservice,LBS)是通过移动网络获取移动终端的经纬度坐标,在地理信息系统的支持下为用户提供相应服务的一种移动增值业务。

    Location Based Service is a new wireless value-added service , which can provide mobile users location-based information services through mobile network .

  3. 设计了一个基于J2EE框架的移动位置服务平台,实现了平台的各个核心组件,包括适用于不同网关、不同协议的短消息接口组件;

    Designed a location-based service platform based on J2EE framework .

  4. 基于J2ME的移动位置服务3G手机应用平台的设计

    Design of 3G mobile application platform for location based service based on J2ME

  5. 基于J2ME/MobileSVG的移动位置服务

    Location-based Service Based on J2ME and Mobile SVG

  6. 到2008年中国移动位置服务产值将达到52.5亿元,成为最具竞争力的3G核心业务之一。

    And the total production value will more than 5.52 billion by 2008 , and become one of the most compatible kernel businesses .

  7. 动态路径诱导已经成为智能交通系统(ITS)和移动位置服务(LBS)应用的重要内容。

    Dynamic route guidance has been one important part of intelligent transportation systems ( ITS ) and location-based services ( LBS ) .

  8. 随着无线移动位置服务技术的成熟和发展,在不远的将来,人们就可以享受到多种多样的LBS(Location-basedService基于位置的业务)服务。

    In the near future , along with the mature and development of the wireless mobile position services technology , people can enjoy various LBS ( Location Based Service ) . How to realize the GPS function on the smart mobile phone based on Windows Mobile operating system ?

  9. 移动位置服务用户需求及创新功能研究

    A Study on User Requirements and Innovative Features of Location Based Services

  10. 移动位置服务网关代理和应用接口的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Location Service Gateway Proxy and Application Programming Interface

  11. 移动位置服务动态任务模型及其信息交互模式研究

    Research on Dynamic Task Model and Information Interactive Mode for Location Based Services

  12. 基于个性化移动位置服务中自适应地图的研究

    Research on Adaptive Maps for Personalised Location-Based Services

  13. 无线移动位置服务平台的构架与应用

    The Construction and Application of LBS Platform

  14. 针对多通道交互技术在移动位置服务领域中的具体应用,分析了交互模型以及系统可能存在的问题。

    According to the multimodal interaction application in the field of mobile LBS , analyzed multimodal model and potential difficulties .

  15. 第一部分为概述,介绍了移动位置服务现状及发展前景。

    There are eight parts in the whole paper as follows : Part one is summary , and development prospect of LBS.

  16. 在名目繁多的增值业务中,移动位置服务是最具发展潜力的移动增值业务之一,是诸多移动增值业务中发展最迅速和前途最广阔的一项。

    Among all these business , location based services is one of the best rapidly developed and most great in the near future .

  17. 基于移动位置服务和地理信息系统技术,对出租车智能调度系统的技术框架及其功能进行了研究。

    Based on location-based services and geographic information system technology , studies on the technical framework and major functions of the taxi intelligent dispatch system .

  18. 第二部分分析了目前线路巡检的几种方式和不足之处,提出了移动位置服务在巡检系统中的应用的设想和意义。

    Part two includes current situation and disadvantage of line patrol system in our courntry , the background of this discussion , the main significance of the research .

  19. 同时,移动位置服务的发展也面临着移动设备的多样性、计算能力不足、无线传输带宽有限和地图数据标准化方面的挑战。

    The development of Mobile Location-Based Services is challenged by the variety of mobile terminals , the limitation of their computing capability , the lack of wireless bandwidth and the standardization of map data .

  20. 随着中国移动位置服务业务的发展,用户量的增加,现有分散式业务处理的缺点越来越明显,需的新的接入网关来保证位置服务业务的正常处理。

    With the development of services and users , the defects exists in distributed business process are more and more obvious . In order to ensure business , the new Location Based Access Platform is needed .

  21. 所以开发手机应用服务将拥有广阔的发展空间和市场价值,而基于移动位置服务的手机定位服务就是其中一种备受关注与大众日常生活相关的服务。

    So the development of mobile application service will have broad development space and market value , and mobile location service based location-based services is one of the high-profile service which is closely linked with our life .

  22. 课题的创新之处在于针对移动位置服务的特点,引入社会化推荐功能,实现了基于位置的兴趣点个性化推荐服务,可有效提升用户体验。

    The innovation of the subject is that takes into account of the characteristics of services for mobile location , add social recommendation feature , and provide the location based personalized recommendation service for POI , which can effectively enhance the user experience .

  23. 据统计,2005年国内移动位置服务市场规模达到2.21亿元,比2004年增长80%。受奥运经济的刺激,在未来的几年内,该市场的增长率将保持在150%以上。

    According to statistics , LBS market profit is 221 million in 2005 in domestic , is bigger than 80 percents than 2004 . With the influence of the Olympic Economic , the progress rate of the LBS market will keep at 150 percents each year in the near future .

  24. 基于GIS的移动通信位置服务

    LBS in Mobile Telecom Service Based on GIS Technology

  25. 手持移动设备位置服务中的WAPMapService实现策略

    The Implementation Strategy of WAP Map Service Applied in Location Service for Mobile Palm Appliance

  26. 移动位置的服务是目前蓬勃发展的一种无线增值服务,它是地理信息系统(GIS)具体应用的典型重要方向,有着良好的市场前景和发展空间。

    As a wireless value-added service and a good example for the public application of GIS ( Geographic Information System ) , LBS has a well market foreground and development prospect .

  27. 移动位置信息服务平台接口软硬件设计

    The Design of Hardware and Software Based on Mobile Position Information Service Platform

  28. 为运营商提供一套实用的移动位置定位服务平台设备,已成为移动通信设备制造商保持和扩大其市场份额的一种战略手段。

    For operators to provide a service platform for mobile location positioning equipment , mobile communications equipment manufacturer has become maintain and expand its market share a strategic tool .

  29. 随着全球定位系统、无线通信网络等基础设施的飞速发展与普及,传统的移动对象位置服务已经不能满足用户不断增长的应用需求,面临着许多新的挑战。

    With the rapid development of Global Positioning System ( GPS ) and wireless communication network , traditional location-based service towards moving objects can not meet the needs of users and face many challenges .

  30. 首先,基于移动和位置的服务对旅游技术和一般新媒体部门的技术有更高要求,因此,与不可避免的技术短缺形成矛盾。

    Firstly mobile and location based services are going to be pushing up against the inevitable skills shortage in travel technology and the new media sector in general .