
  • 网络Mobile Internet Terminal;mid;true mobile internet
  1. 重视发挥移动互联网终端作用,是时代赋予我们的新思路,让学生感受到历史学习接地气的一面,也简化了学生完成作业的过程,丰富了学生学习的手段。

    Attach importance to the role of mobile internet terminal , it is the times gifts our new idea , lets the student feel history learning a down to earth , but also simplifies the process of students ' homework , to enrich the students ' learning methods .

  2. 本文阐述了移动互联网终端市场的发展情况以及产业链的结构,对移动互联网终端的技术环境进行了分析。

    This paper describes the development of the mobile Internet device market and the structure of the industry chain , Analyze the technical environment of the mobile Internet .

  3. 随着当前智能手机,平板电脑等移动互联网终端设备的迅猛普及,无线局域网也呈现出爆发式增长。

    With the rapid popularization of Mobile Internet Terminals , such as Smart phone , PAD currently , the wireless local area network is also showing a explosive growth .

  4. 作为走在全球3G手机商业服务前端的日本从2.5Gi-mode模式开始,到今天的FOMA3G模式,搭建了无处不在随时连通的移动互联网个人终端平台。

    As the world leader of 3G technology , Japanese mobile phone service has developed from 2.5G i-mode to FOMA 3G , building up wireless personal communication without any time limits and venue constrains .

  5. 近十年来,移动互联网与移动终端设备得到了迅速的发展与普及。

    Via the past decade , the mobile Internet and mobile devices have gotten rapid development and popularization .

  6. 随着移动互联网和智能终端的兴起,手机阅读软件也蓬勃发展起来。

    With the rise of the mobile Internet and increasing usage of intelligent mobile terminals , the mobile reading software is also developed with diversity .

  7. 随着移动互联网和移动智能终端的快速发展,移动平台的流媒体业务如手机视频点播等正逐步成为热门应用。

    With the rapid development of mobile Internet and mobile intelligent terminal , streaming media services on mobile platforms such as video-on-demand are becoming more and more popular .

  8. 无线传屏作为局域网中的移动应用,属于移动互联网的终端应用领域。

    As a mobile application in a LAN , wireless screen transmission belongs to the terminal application field of mobile Internet .

  9. 近年移动互联网发展迅速,在移动互联网中,手机终端又占据着非常重要的位置。

    In recent years , mobile Internet is growing fast , and mobile terminals take a very important role in mobile Internet .

  10. 目前,随着互联网络与智能手机等相关技术的快速成熟,移动互联网成为互联网与移动通信整合的发展方向,因此移动互联网智能终端得到了快速的发展。

    Now , with the rapid development of the network and the related technologies about smart phones , the Mollie Internet has become the integration direction of the internet and mobile communication .

  11. 移动智能终端的普及和网络技术的成熟,促使了移动互联网智能终端应用的发展,也为移动应用能够有效地利用上下文感知技术,提供更受用户青睐的个性化服务创造了条件。

    The popularization of mobile terminals and the maturity of internet technology facilitate the development of mobile internet smart terminal applications , and create an environment for designers to provide users with more personalized services by utilizing context-aware techniques effectively .

  12. 移动互联网是以移动通信网作为接入网络的互联网及服务,它包括几个要素:移动通信网络接入、公众互联网服务和移动互联网终端。

    Mobile Internet is a mobile communications network as the access network to the Internet and services , which includes several elements : the mobile communications network access , public Internet services and mobile Internet devices .