
  1. Android是Google公司最新推出的面向下一代以移动互联网业务为核心应用的移动智能终端开源平台,采用Linux为底层操作系统内核。

    Android is an advanced open-source mobile platform launched by Google recently . It focuses on the next-generation mobile Internet services and is based on the Linux OS kernel .

  2. 在各类融合业务中,移动互联网业务和广电网的移动多媒体广播电视业务、IPTV业务以及互动电视业务是典型的融合类业务。

    Both the mobile internet services and the radio & TV service such as CMMB service , interactive TV service and IPTV service are the typical triple play services .

  3. 目前,Skype在全世界的用户数量超过1.7亿,微软认为收购Skype有助于拓展其移动互联网业务,吸引视频和音频通讯公司用户。

    Microsoft Buys Skype With more than 170 million Skype users worldwide , Microsoft is betting its newest acquisition will help expand its mobile presence and corporate users of video and voice communications .

  4. 近年来,移动互联网业务得到了空前的发展。

    In recent years , mobile Internet has been an unprecedented development .

  5. 以运营商为主导的移动互联网业务商业模式研究

    Research on Operator Dominated Mobile Internet Business Model

  6. 移动互联网业务逻辑&互联网正向无线世界演进,运营商受益无穷

    The Mobile Internet Business Logic Internet goes Wireless - and the Operator makes money

  7. 当前移动互联网业务正向用户提供个性化、内容关联和交互式的应用,移动互联网信息服务这一浪潮正在席卷各行各业,影响着各行业的格局。

    The current mobile Internet business provides users with personalized , content-related and interactive applications .

  8. 中国最大的电子商务公司阿里巴巴也在快速发展其移动互联网业务。

    The biggest Chinese e-commerce company , Alibaba , is also rapidly developing its mobile internet business .

  9. 作为移动互联网业务的核心功能载体,无线通信网络性能的优劣直接影响终端用户的体验感受。

    As the core bearer of mobile Internet services , the performance of wireless communication networks directly affects the end-users ' QoE .

  10. 各类手机应用和移动互联网业务呈现爆发性增长,移动支付业务也受到了空前的重视。

    All types of mobile applications and mobile internet services show explosive growth of mobile payment services have also been unprecedented attention .

  11. 用户可以方便地使用各类移动互联网业务和应用,越来越关注用户体验的好坏。

    Users can easily use all kinds of mobile Internet services or applications , and are increasingly concerned about the quality of experience .

  12. 随着移动互联网业务的发展,无线数据流量呈现爆炸性地增长,给移动核心网带来了巨大的负载压力。

    With the development of mobile Internet services , the wireless data traffic has an explosive growth , bring a huge load pressure to the mobile core network .

  13. 该文在分析典型业务的基础上,讨论了业务提供模式的变化,提出了移动互联网业务模型、管理模型及核心管理信息模型。

    By analyzing some typical services and their management requirements , this paper presents a service centered Mobile Internet model , its management model and the core information model .

  14. 通过分析该模型的实证结果,本文深入研究了移动互联网业务的扩散机理,并据此为移动互联网产业的未来发展提出建议。

    Analyzing the results empirical research , this paper investigates the mechanism of the diffusion of Mobile Internet services , and makes recommendations for future development of Mobile Internet industry .

  15. 怀化联通的移动互联网业务合作策略可以主要通过以下四个方面来实现:合作伙伴的选择、合作模式的探讨、合作伙伴的管理、合作伙伴的评价。

    HuaiHua Unicom mobile Internet business cooperation strategy can be realized mainly through the following four aspects : partner selection , cooperation pattern discussion , partner of management , partner evaluation .

  16. 随着无线通信系统的蓬勃发展和智能化终端的不断创新,移动互联网业务发展迅速,给无线通信网络的设计和实现提出了新的要求。

    With the rapid development of wireless communication systems and smart equipment , mobile internet services grows explosively , which brings in new demands for the design and implementation of communication networks .

  17. 移动互联网业务是移动运营商和业务服务提供商合作推出的基于移动互联网的无线数据增值服务,用户通过手机接入移动互联网,随时随地地享受互联网的多项服务。

    Mobile Internet service is an Internet-based mobile wireless value-added service provided by mobile operators and SPs , users can access to share a variety of applications anytime and anywhere with mobile phone .

  18. 随着宽带及移动互联网业务的飞速发展,人们对家庭设备的互联互通提出了更高的要求,数字家庭的发展得到了越来越多的关注。

    Along with the rapid development of broadband and mobile internet services , people puts a higher interoperability requirements on home equipment , the development of digital home is gaining more and more attention .

  19. 随着移动互联网业务需求的迅猛增长,移动通信网和互联网的融合进一步加剧,正朝着互联网络移动化、移动通信网络互联网化的趋势迈进。

    With the rapid increasing of service demand of mobile Internet , the integration of Internet and mobile communication network is further intensified , and the mobile Internet is becoming the main trend of communication networks .

  20. 近年来,移动互联网业务市场竞争异常激烈,移动应用层出不穷,用户体验质量越来越受到网络运营商、终端设备商和开发者的重视。

    In recent years , with the increasingly intense competition in mobile Internet services , mobile applications are emerging in endlessly . Network operators , application developers and terminal providers pay more and more attention to Quality of Experience ( QoE ) .

  21. 近十几年是我国通信业大发展时期,而数据通信网在基础数据网业务,互联网业务,宽带业务,移动互联网业务的推进下也在进行着超常规,跨越式增长。

    The last decade is a period of development of communications magnate , while the data communications network in the promotion of underlying data network services , internet services , broadband services , and mobile internet services are underway under the supernormal growth by leaps and bounds .

  22. 随着全球移动互联网业务的快速发展,宽带业务用户的迅速增长,网络数据流量成倍增长,频谱资源稀缺问题将变得更加严重,有限的频率资源和不断发展的业务之间的矛盾会越来越突出。

    With the rapid development of global mobile internet services , the rapid growth of broadband users and doubled network traffic , the scarcity problem of spectrum resources will become more and more serious , and the conflict between limited frequency resources and the growing services will be increasingly prominent .

  23. 全业务运营是电信运营商追求的目标,目前运营商正在致力于固定移动互联网融合业务。

    All-service Operation is the target of Telecommunication operators , and Fixed-mobile and Internet Convergence is pursued now .

  24. 本文的研究工作为移动互联网通信业务的发展提供了有价值的参考。

    The research work of this paper provided the worthy reference to develop the mobile internet communications business .

  25. 真实感的三维头像可以应用于诸如电影特技、虚拟电话会议、互联网增值业务和移动互联网增值业务以及软件操作界面等相关领域。

    The third dimension head portrait has been applied to correlative areas , for examples , movie special effects , virtual conference call , internet increment business , mobile internet increment business and software operation interface etc.

  26. 但是,由于移动互联网中业务的多样化,以及业务与提供业务的设备之间的松耦合,使得业务的安全需求具有自身的特点,不同于网络的安全需求。

    However , due to the diversification of mobile Internet services , the loose coupling between service and service equipments . They brought the problem that the security needs of the service have their own characteristics and are different from the network .

  27. 面向移动互联网的VHE业务提供

    VHE Services Provisioning on Mobile Internet

  28. 现在,移动互联网的大多数业务都与位置服务有关,如交友、旅游、购物。

    Now , most of the mobile internet business has related with location-based services , such as date , travel and shopping .

  29. 为了提高工作效率,以及可以随时随地的处理信息,人们对移动通信以及互联网业务提出了更高的要求。

    In order to improve work efficiency , as well as the processing of information anytime , anywhere , people put forward higher requirements of mobile communications and the Internet business .

  30. 重组后的三家运营商都已成为既可以经营固话业务,又可以经营移动业务和互联网业务的全业务电信运营商。

    All of the three restructured operators have already become the entire business telecom operators who can not only operate the fixed phone business , but also can operate mobile service and internet service .