
  1. 远东教区在经历了16世纪后期的短暂辉煌后,逐渐走向了混乱、衰落。

    Then after experiencing a short flourish in late 16th century , the Far East Parish went out of order and decline gradually .

  2. 《鲁滨孙漂流记》在中国的短暂辉煌主要受译入语社会的宗教、政治和意识形态的影响。

    The article holds the belief that the transitory glory of Robinson Crusoe in China was mainly influenced by religion , politics , and ideology of TL society .

  3. 这是埃及历史上短暂辉煌的时期,是法老阿肯纳坦和他美丽的妻子奈菲提提统治下发生划时代变革的时期。

    It was a brief , shining moment in Egypt 's history & a time of epochal change presided over by a Pharaoh named Akhenaten and his beautiful wife Nefertiti .

  4. 本文旨在阐述盖茨比的短暂辉煌之成败都是社会铸就的,而异化在盖茨比的命运中起了重要的作用。

    This paper is intended to analyze that Gatsby 's transient greatness is both created and ruined by the society in which alienation plays a key role in Gatsby 's fate .

  5. 然而在短暂的辉煌之后,又走进了低谷。

    However , in brief brilliant later , he went into the trough .

  6. 但是我们同时发现,许许多多的民营企业在经历了短暂的辉煌后就消声匿迹了。

    But at the same time we also find lots of private enterprises disappear after the unabiding significant achievement .

  7. 短暂而辉煌的历史、得天独厚的地理环境、雄厚的经济实力等赋予美国安全观以其他国家所不具有的独特性。

    The brief yet splendid history , advantaged geographical environment as well as its powerful economic strength has endowed America with its unique security concept .

  8. 有那么短暂而辉煌的一刻,它像一只凶猛的金属企鹅栖息在这片永久冻土之上。随后,巨大的轮胎破开层层积雪,却不料深陷其中无法行进。

    For a brief and glorious moment , it perched on the permafrost like a fierce metal penguin , and then the massive tires broke through the snow and spun out .

  9. 小灵通网络是在特殊的历史时期发展起来的,经历了从地下到地上风风雨雨的六年建设与运营,所有曾经的争议与短暂的辉煌都已经成为过去。

    During the six years of the development of PHS network , it experienced ups and downs under special time and conditions , all disputes , controversies and the temporary glorious become past .

  10. 中国歌剧有着比其他艺术形式更加崎岖坎坷的发展道路,从其产生之初至今的大半个世纪以来,除了迎来两次短暂的辉煌之外,始终是磕磕绊绊,温文不火。

    The development course of the Chinese Opera is more rugged than any other artistic forms , blundering on its course with only two times of short splendid rejuvenations in half a century since its birth .