
  • 网络Click;short blast
  1. 实验结果表明,白噪声比短声(信号)的声强级低30dB(SL)以上时,ECochG和ABR的振幅仅轻微减小。

    When white noise was more than 30 dB SL below click intensity , the amplitudes of ABR and ECochG were decreased slightly .

  2. 在豚鼠埋植慢性圆窗电极后,用短声诱发复合动作电位(CAP),用短纯音诱发动作电位-和电位(AP-SP)的复合波。

    Compound action potential ( CAP ) and action potential-summating potential complex response ( AP-SP ) evoked by click and tone burst respectively were recorded from chronic electrode at round window in guinea pig .

  3. 用计算机从成对短声反应中减去单一短声反应以提取衍生ABR。

    Derived ABR were obtained by subtraction of single-click from paired-click responses with computer .

  4. 普普卡因注入CN后,同侧耳短声诱发的ABR仅保留P1波,对侧耳的则无改变。

    After injection of procaine into CN , only P_1 remained in the ipsilateral ABR while the contralateral ABR did not change .

  5. 结果表明,单、双耳的衍生ABRV波振幅在成对短声间隔为0.2~1.5ms时,受到明显影响。

    The results showed that the amplitudes of wave-V of monaural and binaural derived ABR were apparently affected at paired-click interval ranged from 0.2 to 1.5 ms.

  6. 目的:探讨短声听觉脑干反应(ABR)和行为测听2种测试组合在聋儿早期验配助听器中的作用。

    Objective : To investigate the function of ABR and behavioral test battery in verifying the fitting of hearing aids on deaf children at early stage .

  7. 本文研究了短声串作为刺激时,听神经复合动作电位(CAP)中发生的掩蔽作用随短声串的各项参数变化的关系。

    In this paper we studied the relationship between the masking effects of eighth nerve compound action potential ( CAP ) and various stimulus parameters when the experiment animals were stimulated with click trains .

  8. 目的研究熟悉和陌生人面照片与短声组成不同的刺激序列诱发伴随负变化(CNV)。

    Objective The contingent negative variation ( CNV ) elicited by different stimulus paradigms consisted of tones and face photos of familiar persons and strangers were studied .

  9. 采用具有不同间隔(0~32ms)的65dBnHL(正常听力水平)的成对短声刺激,记录20名正常人的单侧耳和两耳交替刺激的听觉脑干反应(ABR)。

    Auditory brain stem responses ( ABR ) to 65-dB nHL click and paired click were recorded in 20 adults with normal hearing . Paired-click interval ranged from 0 to 32 ms.

  10. 在同一时间轴中比较95dB短声诱发的ABR和交叉听力波形,发现交叉听力之波谷恰与ABR之pⅢ、pⅣ波峰相对应。

    Make a comparison of two waves on the same time shaft indicates that the trough of cross hearing wave and the crest of p ⅲ? p ⅳ wave by 95 dB click are corresponding .

  11. 用数字滤波及相关函数处理技术对10名(20耳)学龄前儿童短声诱发的TEOAE信号进行二次处理。

    Using digital filtering and correlation function analysis technique , TEOAE waves in 20 ears ( 10 children ) were managed two steps .

  12. 本文报告了70db(nHL)短声诱发的38例正常听力耳的听觉中潜伏期反应,分析了其波形、波V、Na、Pa的潜伏期和振幅。

    The auditory middle latency responses ( MLR ) of 38 ears with normal hearing as evoked by 70 db ( nHL ) clicks are reported . The shape , latency , and amplitude of every wave was analysed .

  13. 95dB短声产生的交叉听力波形可被40或45dB(SPL)的稳态白噪声(SWN)完全屏蔽掉。

    This cross hearing could be completely masked by 40 or 45 dB ( SPL ) steady white noise ( SWN ) .

  14. 双脉冲辨别阈(PPDT)是受试者能辨认出两个短声的最小脉冲间隔。

    Thus the paired pulse discrimination threshold ( PPDT ) is defined as the minimal interval between two pulses at which two separate sounds can be identified .

  15. 豚鼠暴露在两个绝对压下呼吸高压氧,比较了暴露前后短声诱发的听神经动作电位(AP)、脑干电位(BSEP)及听皮层电位(ACEP)的潜伏期和振幅。

    Changes of auditory nerve action potential ( AP ), brainstem evoked potential ( BSEP ) and auditory cortical evoked potential ( ACEP ) in guinea pigs were studied before , during and after hyperbaric oxygen ( HBO ) exposure at 2 atm ( absolute ) .

  16. 先天性心脏病患儿短声诱发听性脑干反应的探讨

    Click evoked auditory brainstem response in congenital heart diseases in children

  17. 大鼠颈髓膜表面短声诱发电位及起源

    Click-Evoked Potentials on the Surface of the Cervical Dura Mater of Rat

  18. 乙酰胆碱对豚鼠短声引起的耳蜗电位的影响

    Effects of Acetylcholine on Cliok & evoked Cochlear Potentials in the Guinea Pig

  19. 短声作为刺激声进行同侧声反射阈测定之临床价值

    The clinical value of click stimuli on the measurement of ipsilateral acoustic reflex thresholds

  20. 短声诱发的听觉中潜伏期反应

    Auditory middle latency response evoked by clicks

  21. 重复短声调频在豚鼠诱发的皮层慢反应及反应阈

    Slow cortical responses evoked by frequency modulation of repetitive clicks and response thresholds in guinea pigs

  22. 疏波短声在感音性聋脑干听觉诱发电位检测中的作用

    Actions of rarefaction clicks in brainstem auditory evoked potential ( BAEP ) examination to patients with sensorineural deafness

  23. 以短声诱发的皮层听区电位为检查指标,观察暴露前后动物听力的改变。

    The hearing was assessed by click evoked potential from guinea pigs auditory cortex pre-and post-exposure . The re - ?

  24. 成对短声不同间隔对单、双耳听觉脑干反应的影响&衍生听觉脑干反应方法的应用

    Influence of different intervals of monaural and binaural paired-click stimuli on auditory brain stem response : the use of derived ABR

  25. 听力正常者交替短声诱发的耳蜗电图特征76例113耳的耳蜗电图及听性脑干反应的法医学鉴定

    A Clinical Study of Alternating Click Evoked ECochG in Normal-Hearing Subjects MEDICOLEGAL INVESTIGATION ON EcochG AND ABR OF 113 EARS IN 76 CASES

  26. 梅尼埃病听力损失程度和类型对短声诱发的SP/AP比值的影响

    Influence of the hearing loss level and auditory sensation curve type on click evoked SP / AP amplitude ratio in Meniere ′ s disease

  27. 在适当剂量强噪声暴露后,豚鼠听皮层由较强短声诱发的电位振幅可以增大。

    Click-evoked cortical potentials were recorded in guinea pigs before and after exposure to intensive impulse noise and their computer-averaged amplitudes at different click levels were compared .

  28. 结果发现:多数神经元的脉冲发放数随声强增高而增加,随短声时程的延长而减少;

    The results showed that firing rate of the majority of neurons increased with the increasing of sound intensity and decreased with the prolonging of sound duration .

  29. 气导听觉剥夺对听觉传导通路发育的影响及神经干细胞耳蜗核移植听力正常者交替短声诱发的耳蜗电图特征

    Effect of Early Auditory Deprivation on the Development of Auditory Pathway and Transplantation of Neural Stem Cells to the Cochlea Nucleus A Clinical Study of Alternating Click Evoked ECochG in Normal-Hearing Subjects

  30. 目的:确定短声可代替纯音作为刺激声作同侧声反射阈测定,并了解探测音频率对声反射阈的影响。

    Objective : To define that click can substitute for pure tone as a stimulus to measure ipsilateral acoustic reflex thresholds , and to find out the effect of probe frequency on acoustic reflex thresholds .