
  • 网络prolonged blast
  1. 该声号应由弯头另一面或居间障碍物后方可能听到它的任何来船回答一长声。

    Such signal shall be answered with a prolonged blast by any approaching vessel that may be within hearing around the bend or behind the intervening obstruction .

  2. 第二个算例为有流动情况下有限长声衬管道不考虑端口反射的声场计算,它与文献中NASA流管实验结果和CAA计算结果符合得很好。

    The second case considers finite lined duct with flow , no reflection on inlet / outlet , the results agree well with the data from NASA flow duct facility and CAA calculation in references .

  3. 最长声时测量在聋儿言语呼吸中的指导意义

    The significance of maximum phonation time measurement in speaking respiration

  4. 枪的深邃长声与我们行进歌混合。

    The distant rumbling of the guns mingles with our marching song .

  5. 给出二长声(用号笛)。

    Give two long blasts ( on whistle ) .

  6. 狗发出长声哀叫。

    The dog gave a long woeful howl .

  7. 通过建立有限长声屏障的绕射声衰减的理论模型,进行了这方面的探讨。

    The paper study the problem by constructing theoretical model of diffracted sound attenuation of limited length barrier .

  8. 言语呼吸障碍4例(25%),表现为最长声时缩短。

    The speech - breath disorder ( 4 cases , 25.0 % ), expressed as the shortening of the longest sound .

  9. 然而这一夜的音乐响起,一把小提琴在黑暗中奏出一长声的渴望。

    But then this evening of music begins , with a single violin in the shadows playing one long note of longing .

  10. 较为有效的监控指标有:最长声时、最大数数能力、s/z比值以及平均气流速率。其中最长声时与嗓音言语呼吸疾病的主观评估有着较高的相关性。

    At present the effective parameters include : maximal phonation time , maximal counting ability , s / z and mean flow rate .

  11. 无限长铁路声屏障对运行列车噪声降噪模型研究

    The study of the declining model for infinite long railway barrier to moving coach

  12. 一直循环地发出长哔声

    Long beeps in an endless loop

  13. 与典型的等周期、等指长的声表面波滤波器相比,采用进化方法设计,极大地提高了滤波器频率响应性能,旁瓣抑制得到了改善。

    Compared with the surface acoustic wave filter with same period and same size of all fingers of interdigital transducers , the frequency response of that which based on evolutionary design is improved greatly , especially in its side lobe suppression .

  14. 非入射方向有限长弹性柱声散射特性研究

    Research for bistatic scattering of acoustic waves by finite elastic target

  15. 如果你听到长的嘟嘟声,那就表示电话线忙。

    If you hear long blips , the phone is engaged .

  16. 水中双层无限长圆柱壳体声散射

    Acoustic scattering from double infinite concentric cylindrical shells in water

  17. 舱壁和环肋加强的无限长圆柱壳声弹耦合模型及其声特性

    Acoustic radiation from fluid-loaded infinite cylindrical shell stiffened by rings and bulkheads

  18. 数值/解析混合方法计算含复杂结构的有限长圆柱壳体声辐射

    Computation of Sound Radiation from Complicated Cylindrical Shell by Using Numerical Analytical Matching Method

  19. 他发出一声既响又长的呸声。

    He blew a loud and lengthy raspberry .

  20. 给出了水中有限长弹性目标声散射问题的求解方法。

    A method is presented for studying bistatic scattering of acoustic waves by finite elastic target .

  21. 他长叹气一声。

    She gave a long sigh .

  22. 在本实验研究范围内,超声作用时间越长超声作用声强越大,间苯二酚的超声降解率越大。

    The longer the time of irradiation and the bigger the ultrasound intensity were , the better decomposition result was .

  23. 音声长、音声生、学问僧、留学生、民间人士构成了唐代中日音乐交流的几重通道。

    Sound long , knowledge monk , foreign student , non-governmental personage are the basic channels for Sino-Japanese music exchange in the Tang Dynasty .

  24. 首先分析了数值计算中水负荷计算简化对计算壳体激励力的影响,而后讨论了内部具有支座结构的有限长壳体的声辐射特性。

    Firstly , the influence of fluid load on calculation of exciting force on shell is concerned , and then , the vibration and radiation characteristics of finite shell are dis ˉ cussed .

  25. 婚礼一开始音乐就停了,此刻从窗口又飘进来一阵很长的欢呼声,接着又是一阵阵“好啊好啊”的叫喊,最后响起爵士乐的声音,跳舞开始了。

    The music had died down as the ceremony began and now a long cheer floated in at the window , followed by intermittent cries of " yea-ea-ea !" and finally by a burst of jazz as the dancing began .

  26. 汽笛长吼了一声。

    The siren sounded loud and long .

  27. 径向力激励下有限长液体管道的声辐射

    Sound radiation from a water filled pipe due to radial force exciation

  28. 他们的日子在虚空中流淌,只为那风吹散的长发留一声喟叹。

    And their day goes over idleness , And they sigh if the wind but lift the tress .

  29. 因此,研究流体介质中有限长圆柱壳体的声振耦合特性具有重要的理论价值和实际意义。

    Thus it has important theoretic value and practicality to research sound-vibration characteristic of the finite cylindrical shell with stiffened ribs .

  30. 我长嘶了一声,然后惊喜地听到了金儿的应答,还有男人的声音。

    I neighed loudly , and was very happy to hear an answering neigh from Ginger , and men 's voices .