
  1. 上海长青岛动工修路,从田地经过里面有银杏树及蔬菜问下商业价值和动迁价值是怎么算的,大体可以补偿多少?

    Shanghai Long Qingdao begins construction long road , how do from inside cropland course ginkgo tree and vegetable ask next commerce value and resettlement value calculate , how much can cardinal principle compensate ?

  2. 亚洲22国外长会聚青岛

    Foreign Ministers of 22 Asian Countries Meet in Qingdao

  3. 但同时,由于青岛市基本医疗保险制度实施时间不长,青岛市医疗保险改革工作也面临新的问题和困难。

    However , due to short implementation time of basic medical insurance system in Qingdao , there are newly-upcoming problems for reform of medical insurance .