
  1. 机械结构主要包括箱体、控制头、防护罩、驱动轮和测长轮五部分。

    The mechanical structure mainly includes body , head , shield , driving wheel and measuring wheel .

  2. 但是如果考虑到造林、采伐过程中的碳释放和大径材林产品的使用,长轮伐期可能更利于人工林发挥固碳效益。

    If we considered carbon emission from afforestation , cutting and the use of big-diameter timber products , long rotation is more favorable .

  3. 机车长毂轮芯铸件缩孔缩松预测

    Shrinkage Prediction of Locomotive Long Hub Core Casting

  4. 以共变量分析检定雌、雄鱼间之标准体长-轮数及体重-轮数关系,结果显示雌、雄鱼之成长并无显著差异。

    Employ ANCOVA for rings-standard length data and rings-weight data , the result showed no significant difference for both sexes growth .

  5. 长辐旋轮线是带电粒子在磁场运动的又一轨迹

    Prolate Cycloid as Another Track of Charged Particle Movement in Magnetic Field

  6. 长悬臂斗轮堆取料机俯仰钢结构动力特性

    Dynamic characteristics of long-boom bucket-wheel stacker steel structure

  7. 分析了换轮过程中张紧轮摆角在不同位置时带长及各轮包角的变化。

    Analysis of the process of change wheel tensioner swing angle indifferent locations with long and round wrap angle changes .

  8. 在海事管理中,船长和大副、轮机长和大管轮不得同时离船。

    Master and chief mate , chief engineer and second engineer are not permitted to go shore together during berthing time .

  9. 由洛伦兹力公式出发,分析带电粒子在相互垂直的恒定电磁场中运动的方程,由此得到一些常见的运动轨迹,并给出带电粒子在电磁场中的一种新的轨迹&长辐旋轮线。

    The motion of a charged particle in electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to each other is analysed , a new type of orbit is obtained .

  10. 金价连续第十一年上涨,成就了这一黄色金属跨时最长的一轮涨势。

    For the 11th year in a row , gold prices have rallied , making this one of the longest winning streaks for the yellow metal .

  11. 话轮的长短虽不固定,但教师的话轮偏长,学生话轮偏短;

    The teacher 's turn-length is much longer than that of the students ' .

  12. 内容很长,但这轮融资显然是优先股交易(也即股权投资)。

    It 's long , but this round clearly was preferred stock ( i.e. , equity ) .

  13. 通常车辙是产生在轮迹带上,在一个车道上表现为两条窄长、深深的轮迹带,而其它部分没有明显的问题。

    Usually rut is produced in the wheel track bring , in a driveway performance for two long and narrow , deep wheel track band , and the other part does not have obvious problems .

  14. 首次推导出测速轮的测长误差和测速轮与钢管接触压力的计算公式,为测速轮及测速机构的设计提供了理论依据。

    For the first time , formulas for calculating the tachometric wheel measurement-tolerance and the wheel 's contact pressure against the pipe are derived , providing a theoretic basis for design of the tachometric wheel and tachometric mechanisms as well .