
cháng yǐ
  • bench
长椅[cháng yǐ]
  1. 她走近一对手拉手坐在长椅上的年轻情侣。

    She approached a young couple holding hands on a bench .

  2. 那辆失控的车猛冲到一条长椅上,撞伤了一对老夫妇。

    The runaway car careered into a bench , hitting an elderly couple

  3. 她在鸭塘边找了条长椅坐下。

    She chose a bench beside the duck pond and sat down .

  4. 长椅周围的人群渐渐散去了。

    The crowd around the bench began to melt away .

  5. 莫伊拉在较矮的长椅上躺下了。

    Moira stretched herself out on the lower bench .

  6. 他们停下来,坐在公园长椅上。

    They stopped and sat on a park bench .

  7. 我坐在长椅上打开包裹时他就站在旁边。

    I sat on the settee to unwrap the package while he stood by

  8. 他的一个同伴将长椅上的位子让了出来。

    One of the men with him gave up his place on the bench .

  9. 他在公园的长椅上坐了下来。

    He sat down on a park bench .

  10. “我记得我和阿姨一起坐在一个瑜伽室的长椅上,”她说,“当即就有了清晰的一刹那。”

    " I remember sitting on a bench with my aunt at a yoga studio , ' ' she said , having a moment of clarity right then and there :

  11. 会员们把书放在公园长椅和公共汽车上,火车站和咖啡馆。

    Members leave books on park benches and buses , in train stations and coffee shops .

  12. 有一张空长椅,我坐了下来。

    There was an empty bench and I sat down .

  13. 1970年的10月7日,在伦敦摄政公园的一个长椅上,一位在伦敦商学院读MBA的小伙子,遇见了一位初到伦敦的爱尔兰姑娘。

    On a bench in Regen ’ s Park , London , on October 7 , 1970 , a young man studying for MBA degree at London Business School met an Irish girl who first arrived in London .

  14. 在这间小房间里,白天我们把床改作长椅用

    In the small room we disguise our beds as couches.during the day .

  15. 忽然,一张长椅上的手机响了。

    Suddenly a call phone that was on one of the benches rings .

  16. 那个人占着整张公园长椅

    The guy hogged the whole park bench .

  17. 就这样,事业方面方兴未艾的我仿佛突然被人判了死刑,却说不准何时执刑。我离开医生的办公室,来到公园的长椅上坐下。这也许是最后一次来这儿了,我对自己说。

    Feeling like a man who in mid-career has suddenly been placed under sentence of death with an indefinite reprieve , I left the doctor 's office , walked over to the park , and sat down on a bench , perhaps , as I then told myself , for the last time .

  18. 在R线的市政厅站(CityHall),她坐在一条长椅上休息。

    At the City Hall station for the R train , she settled onto a bench .

  19. FLY长椅的设计概念是永远的象征,简洁,纯粹还有通用的设计打破了传统家具的样子。

    The concept of the FLY Bench is to embody timeless design ; simple , pure and universal design breaking the mold of traditional furniture .

  20. 于是,Grace于去年11月份去了伦敦的国会山,她在一个公园的长椅上向自己求婚。

    So , Grace paid a visit to Parliament Hillin London lastNovember and proposed to herself on a park bench .

  21. 我躺在长椅里叫Micah的名字,他离我大概50英尺的距离

    I called Micah from my chair 50 ft away

  22. 2013年11月,在中央公园管理委员会(CentralParkConservancy)的一次慈善活动上,金斯伯格对基施鲍默说,她一直很喜欢中央公园长椅上的献词,希望将来有一把椅子是献给自己的。

    In November 2013 , while at a benefit for the Central Park Conservancy , Ms. Ginsburg mentioned to Mr. Kirschbaum that she had always loved the dedications on the benches in Central Park and hoped to have one someday .

  23. 他拿出地图,他们走啊走,忽然看见一条长椅,上面的献词是:“献给我的女铁人朱莉(Julie)……”

    He pulled out a map , and they walked until they stumbled upon a bench with an inscription that started with the words " To My Ironwoman Julie .... "

  24. 47岁的马克•加蒂斯在接受澳大利亚同志杂志DNA采访时说,“天哪,我收到的东西一定能让你大吃一惊,我只能说,那远远不止夏洛克和华生在公园长椅上拉拉手那么简单。”

    Mr Gatiss , 47 , told Australian gay magazine DNA : " Oh my God . I get sent things that would make your hair turn white . It 's not just Sherlock and Watson holding hands on a park bench , I can tell you that . "

  25. 当Richard给我讲述他在那部重现著名摄影家DianeArbus生平电影《fur》的客串经历时,我正努力调整自己在长椅上的坐姿,以便自己能看起来更好看或更舒服一点。

    Richard told me about his gig as an extra on Fur , reenacting famous Diane Arbus portraits , while I struggled to find a flattering or comfortable upright couch position .

  26. 坐在弧形木制吧台或红褐色的长椅上,点一杯星巴克永远不会有的饮品——名为“琥珀女王”(“QueenAmber”)的黑白咖啡(theBlancetNoir),以冰激凌杯为容器,加糖的咖啡上漂浮着牛奶。

    Take a seat at the curved wooden bar or on the maroon banquette and order a drink you 'll never find at Starbucks : the Blanc et Noir " Queen Amber , " served in a coupe glass with milk floating atop sweetened coffee .

  27. 星期六,11点,长椅那儿来接我。

    Pick me up at the bench at11.00 , on saturday .

  28. 我还没有告诉她就已经把我的长椅交给了她。

    I had given that bench to her without telling her .

  29. 我感到身体异常虚弱,便独自坐在公园的长椅上。

    I felt faint , and sat on a park bench .

  30. 躺在长椅上轻松一下。

    To lie down on the couch and relax a little .