
  • 网络Positive Role;positive character
  1. 他描述了哲学家卡尔波普尔(karlpopper)和弗里德里希哈耶克(friedrichhayek)的“开放社会”(opensociety)与联邦及地区政府持续的、带有强烈地方主义和多样性色彩的正面角色之间的和谐共处。

    Uble , the German Interior Minister , sketched out a reconciliation between the " open society " of the philosophers Karl Popper and Friedrich Hayek and a positive and sustaining role for federal and regional governments , with a strong dose of localism and diversity .

  2. 米利班德已经显示了他有能力扮演一个有原则的正面角色。

    Mr Miliband has shown himself capable of playing a good and principled part .

  3. 至于伊朗是否准备扮演正面角色,则是另一个问题。

    Whether or not Iran is prepared to play a positive role is another question .

  4. 扮演一个积极进取的正面角色。

    Be a positive role model .

  5. 他以前一般都扮演反面角色,这次却演了一个正面角色。

    He used to play the roles of bad eggs but this time a good egg .

  6. 在我们赞颂英雄时,他们往往成为那种高大人物,就像好莱坞电影里近乎超人的正面角色。

    Insofar as we celebrate heroes , they tend to be towering figures who often assume near-superhuman status in Hollywood tales .

  7. 只有当个别的正面角色挺身而出,蔑视死亡,与半兽人在矿脉中对峙的时刻,例行公事的暴力中才会再度闪现出真正的危险与精湛的演技。

    It 's only as individual good guys peel off for death-defying face-offs with Orcs on ledges that the routine violence crackles again with genuine danger and deft showmanship .

  8. “黑帽”指恶棍或坏蛋,尤其在西部片里,他们一般都戴着一顶黑帽子,而跟他们对手的正面角色多戴白帽子。

    A black hat is the villain or bad guy , especially in a western movie in which such a character would wear a black hat in contrast to the hero 's white hat .

  9. 而蜀国的创建者刘备,与他的两位结义兄弟&关羽和张飞则是正面角色。三人联合起来试图复兴东汉王朝。

    Meanwhile , Liu Bei , the founder of Shu kingdom , and his two sworn brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are good guys who unite to revive the legitimate throne of the Eastern Han Dynasty .

  10. 既然我现在想到了,还是有一些其他著名的故事把老鼠塑造成非常积极正面的角色。

    Now that I think of it , though , there are a few other famous stories that put rats in a very positive light .

  11. 我觉得很有趣,保罗在这篇文章中,就我的理解,不是一个完全正面的角色。

    I think it 's interesting that Paul doesn 't come across in this text , at least in my reading , as being a totally positive character .

  12. 当被问到这样一个积极正面的典范角色对于年轻的同性恋者来说是否非常重要时,威士肖回答:我真的觉得很重要,但我并不确定这条路怎样走下去。

    When the interviewer asked whether it was important for young gay people to have positive role models , Whishaw replied : I feel in my heart that its important , but I dont quite know yet the way to go about that .