
  • 网络domain wall resonance
  1. 复磁导率谱分析表明,纳米粒子在微波段存在的磁损耗机制主要为自然共振,可能存在交换共振和特殊大颗粒的畴壁共振。

    Magnetic losses for the nanoparticles are attributed from the natural resonance , possible exchange resonance and domain resonance .

  2. 实验研究表明,铁电陶瓷的高频介电弛豫主要是由材料内部的畴壁共振引起的。

    The results indicate that high frequency dielectric relaxation of the ferroelectric ceramics is caused by piezoelectric resonance of domains .

  3. 本文还分析了锰锌铁氧体自然共振、磁滞损耗和畴壁共振等磁极化机制衰减吸收电磁波的各种机理。

    The dissipative attenuation Mechanism of the Mn-Zn ferrite that involved the natural resonance , the piezoelectric resonance and the magnetic hysteresis loss are also studied .
