
  • 网络transmission accuracy;transmission precision
  1. 研究了装配误差对SCMW传动精度的影响。

    Effect of assembly errors on transmission precision was studied .

  2. 本论文依托于重庆清平机械厂重点研究项目开放式谐波减速器传动精度检测仪的研制(项目批准号:JG2010004)。

    The thesis relies on the key research program of Chongqing Qingping Machinery Factory & Development of Open Measuring Instrument for Transmission Precision of Harmonic Drive ( Grant No. JG2010004 ) .

  3. 本文概要论述了新开发机床传动精度CAT系统的组成及其工作原理;

    This paper expounds the constitution and working principle of the CAT system which is newly developed .

  4. 基于UG的平行轴系传动精度优化设计系统

    System for Precision Design of Parallel Shafting Based on UG

  5. 误差对RV型减速机传动精度的灵敏度研究

    Sensitivity Study of Error on Transmission Accuracy for RV-type Reducer

  6. ATC中滚子齿形凸轮传动精度分析

    Driving Precision Analyze of the roller-gear-cam in ATC

  7. 对应用CNC技术精确设定开环控制系统的机械原点,提高传动精度及专用机床加工柔性化的方法进行了研究。

    The method for precise location of original point of machinery in open control , enhancement of transmission accuracy and flexibility of special machine are researched .

  8. 谐波齿轮减速器作为一种XJ-99新型减速器,具有传动精度高,承载能力大,结构简单,传动比范围大等特点。

    Harmonious gear reducer is a novel reducer , characterized by high transmission accuracy , large loading capacity , simple structure , and big rate ratio .

  9. 提高滚齿机分度链传动精度的方法

    The method of improving transmission precision of hobbing machine index chain

  10. 梯形齿与双圆弧齿同步带传动精度分析

    Analysis of Transmission Precision for Trapezoid and Double Curve Synchronous Belt

  11. 影响齿轮传动精度的加工误差分析

    Analysis of Processing Error Affecting the Transmission Accuracy of Gear

  12. 夹角的存在影响传动精度。

    The skew angle will infect the drive precision .

  13. 螺旋锥齿轮传动精度和修形量的概率设计

    Probabilistic Design of Accuracy and Tip Easing Quantity of Spiral Bevel Gear Drive

  14. 经实际测试,其传动精度符合设计要求。

    The accuracy of this coupling is in accord with the demands by test .

  15. 基于非线性分析方法的摆线针轮系统传动精度研究

    Research on the Transmission Accuracy for Cycloid Drive Based on the Nonlinear Analysis Method

  16. 印刷机底片扫描装置中机械传动精度分析与选择

    Negative scan unit mechanical precision analysis and choice

  17. 齿轮传动精度的分析与计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Precision of Gear Transmission

  18. 机床传动精度的计算机分析

    The Computerized Analysis of Machine Tool Transmission Precision

  19. 精密蜗杆-蜗轮副传动精度计算

    Calculation for Transmission Accuracy of Precision Worm-Gear

  20. 切削状态下的机床传动精度

    Transmission accuracy of machine tool during cutting

  21. 滚珠丝杠副的弯曲变形对传动精度的影响分析

    The Influence of Ball Screw Bending Deformation on the Position Accuracy of CNC Feeding System

  22. 采用高精度钢刺滚轮作为送纸器,以提高传动精度,减小误差。

    By using high precision steel-string-wheel as deliver-paper-implement can improve transmission precision and reduce error .

  23. 小模数圆柱蜗杆副传动精度概率统计特性分析

    Analysis on the Probabilistic Statistical Characteristics of Transmission Accuracy of Small Module Cylindrical Worm Gear Pairs

  24. 正交试验在蜗杆副传动精度计算中的应用

    The application of orthogonal test in the calculation of trasmission accuracy of cylindrical worm gear pair

  25. 螺旋传动精度分析

    Accuracy Analysis of Screw Transmission

  26. 数控机床机械传动精度对零件的加工精度有较大影响。

    The machining accuracy is greatly affected by the precision of mechanical transmission of the NC machine .

  27. Y轴采用滚珠螺杆传动精度佳,摩擦系数小。

    X axis and Y axis adopt ball spiral rods with excellent precisions and low friction factors .

  28. 从动件运动时产生的冲击和振动会造成凸轮机构传动精度的降低,使凸轮传动系统产生失效。

    Impact and vibration will reduce the precision of cam mechanism , result in invalidation of cam mechanism .

  29. 计算机概率模拟在蜗杆副传动精度统计中的应用

    The application of computer probability simulation on setting up statistical formulas of transmission accuracy of worm gear pairs

  30. 提供了滚齿机范成链传动精度设计及精度校核的方法。

    The paper introduces the process of the design and check of generating chain drive precision for hobbing machine .