
  • 网络Tales Of;Tales;Tales of series
  1. 塞尔达传说系列被证实为有史以来最好的系列游戏之一。

    The Legend of Zelda has proven to be one of the greatest franchises of all time .

  2. 塞尔达传说系列打造了许多经典游戏,例如著名的“塞尔达传说:时空隧道”、“塞尔达传说:黄昏的公主”以及最受欢迎的“塞尔达传说:时之笛”。

    The Legend of Zelda series has produced many great games , with notable mentions to ' The Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past , " ' The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess " and the hugely popular ' The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time . "

  3. 《传说》系列是短篇小说合集,对龙枪的背景故事进行了更加深入的发掘。

    The Tales series is a collection of short stories , which provide some more depth for the setting .

  4. 原始人类早期的巫术活动、图腾崇拜、神话传说等一系列原始活动,是对早期人类原始观念的抽象,早期人类的洞窟岩画、图腾形象具有很强的符号象征性。

    The original human early occult activity , totem worship , myths , legends and so on a series of original activities , is to the original idea of early human of the abstract , early human cave paintings , totem image has a strong symbolic symbolic .

  5. 古希腊的神话和传说塑造了一系列具有冒险精神的英雄形象,这些文学形象折射出了西方人热衷冒险的文化特质。

    Greek myths and legends create a series of heroic images with adventure spirit , reflecting the cultural characteristics of the western people 's zeal for adventure .

  6. 因此,可以说由吴地歌谣中张良与山歌传说引发的一系列研究考探,无论对于民俗学、历史学、还是音乐学来说都颇具广泛的研究空间和价值。

    Therefore , it can be said in songs by the Wu " Zhang Liang and folk songs " Legend of test probe triggered a series of studies , both for the folklore , history , science or music are quite extensive research for the space and value .

  7. 另外,三部《第五纪年传说》选集可能也投一些人所好,实际上与原本的《传说》系列颇多相象的地方。

    In addition , you may want to read the three Tales of the Fifth Age anthologies , which are very much like the original Tales series .

  8. 这款游戏名为《萨尔达传说:黎明公主》,是1986年推出的经典动作角色扮演游戏《萨尔达传说》系列最新作。

    Nintendo 's " the legend of Zelda : twilight Princess " is the latest installment in the hugely popular " zelda " series .