
  • 网络The Philippine Commission
  1. 菲律宾灾难委员会表示这次地震造成港口、道路、学校、教堂、住宅破坏,而据报道也有山体滑坡发生。

    The country 's disaster council said this one damaged ports , roads , schools , churches and homes and some landslides were also reported .

  2. 新加坡奖励近500万元据报道,迪亚兹将从菲律宾体育委员会以及该国商界巨鳄那里获得至少3300万菲律宾比索(约和人民币388万元),作为对其历史性成就的奖励。

    As a reward for her historic achievement , Diaz will reportedly receive at least 33 million Philippine pesos ( around $ 600000 ) from the Philippine Sports Commission as well as the country 's top businessmen .

  3. 菲律宾证券交易委员会(SEC)表示,2012年创立的数字初创企业Rappler违反了对外资持有媒体股份的限制,因为eBay创始人皮埃尔?奥米戴尔(PierreOmidyar)创立的基金“奥米戴尔网络”(OmidyarNetwork)是Rappler的投资者。

    The country 's Securities and Exchange Commission said Rappler , a digital start-up launched in 2012 , had violated restrictions on foreign ownership of the media because the Omidyar Network , a fund created by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar , was an investor .

  4. 菲律宾高等教育委员会发的录取通知书;

    Acceptance notice from the Philippine Commission on higher education ched ;

  5. 菲律宾是该委员会批准的第一个项目。

    The committee made the Philippines its first approved project .

  6. 菲律宾民族团结委员会

    Commission on National Integration of the Philippines

  7. 位于马尼拉的菲律宾全国救灾协调委员会(NationalDisasterCoordinatingCouncil)周二表示,除确认在风暴带来的洪水和泥石流中丧生的246人外,另有38人失踪。

    The National Disaster Coordinating Council in Manila said Tuesday that 38 people were missing in addition to the 246 people confirmed to have been killed in the floods and landslides accompanying the storm .