
  • 网络civil union;Civil partnership
  1. 过去15年来,同性情侣有权在法国进行民事结合,但是他们必须去国外领养儿童。

    Same-sex couples have had the rights to civil unions in France for the last 15 years , but they must go abroad to adopt children .

  2. 一个在堕胎及民事结合问题上举棋不定的摩门教徒,并且他近来声称自己和两年前一样大力支持堕胎。

    A Mormon who has flip-flopped on both abortion and civil unions , and said he was " effectively pro-choice " as recently as two years ago .

  3. 因此,在某一司法管辖区内结婚或民事结合(civillypartnered)的员工可能会发现,其他地方的移民当局不承认他们的结合,拒绝给他们的配偶发放签证,并且可能会质疑他们与任何孩子的亲子关系。

    Consequently , employees who are married or civilly partnered in one jurisdiction may find that immigration authorities elsewhere do not recognise their union , refuse their partner a visa , and may dispute their parental relationship with any children .

  4. 1989年,它成了第一个将同性民事结合合法化的国家(2012年,同性婚姻在丹麦亦得到承认)。

    It was also the first to legalize same-sex civil unions , in 1989 . ( Same-sex marriage was sanctioned there in 2012 . )

  5. 尽管悠闲懒散的悉尼是澳大利亚的同性恋之都,但堪培拉却将其甩在了后面,率先引入了全国第一项允许同性恋之间结合的民事结合关系法。

    Although laid-back Sydney is australia 's gay capital , it was left to more staid Canberra to introduce the country 's first law allowing gay and lesbian couples to form civil unions .

  6. 英国广播公司儿童数字频道的这一系列栏目将让7至12岁的孩子决定婚礼或民事伴侣结合仪式的特色和风格。

    The series for CBBC , the corporation 's digital channel for primary school age children , will ask children aged between seven and 12 to arrange the character and style of the wedding or civil partnership .

  7. 第三章论证我国刑事被害人救济制度应采取的模式及具体构架,即应采取以附带民事诉讼结合依职权裁判为主,以另行提起民事诉讼为补充的模式。

    Chapter three makes a conclusion that the pattern and system which takes incidental civil action and judgment at initiative as main method meanwhile with the supplement of independent civil action is the proper relief system for criminal victim in China .

  8. 借鉴外国民事立法,结合我国司法实践,遗嘱执行制度应在遗嘱执行人的产生方式、遗嘱执行人资格、遗嘱执行人的职责作等方面进行修正和完善。

    Consulting foreign civil legislation and combining native judicial practice , the system of testament execution should be amended and perfected on the aspects , which are the fashion of executor 's production , the qualification of the executors and the responsibilities of the executors .

  9. 同时结合我国实际,提出了建立证券民事诉讼与证券民事仲裁相结合的法律制度。

    Meanwhile , this article suggests to establish a juristic system combining securities civil lawsuit and arbitrage .