
zēng guǎng
  • augmentation;widen
增广 [zēng guǎng]
  • [widen] 增加拓宽广度

  • 博览群书,增广思路

增广[zēng guǎng]
  1. 二面体群整群环的n次增广理想及其商群结构

    Structure of powers of augmentation ideals and their quotient groups for integral group rings of dihedral groups

  2. 然后借助于增广变量法和系统Jacobi矩阵,恰当地扩展系统的控制输入与输出。

    With the augmentation approach and the Jacobi matrix of system , the control inputs and outputs are expanded .

  3. 提出了两种可实现非膨胀多小波分解精确重构的边界预后处理新方法,最佳增广型对称延拓法和r因子拟周期延拓法。

    They are best general symmetric extension method and r-factor pseudo periodic extension .

  4. 一类加权增广型H∞鲁棒控制系统

    One of the weighing function robust control systems

  5. 增广NCⅡ设计的模型检验和参数估计

    Model Test and Parameter Estimates of Augmented NC ⅱ Design

  6. 增广NCⅡ设计及其在群体遗传分析中的应用

    Augmented NC ⅱ Design and its Application to Genetic Analysis in Populations

  7. 基于增广Petri网的协作系统及混惑消除

    Collaboration System and Eliminate Confusion Based on the Extended Petri Net

  8. 增广NCⅡ设计和遗传模型测验

    Augmented NC ⅱ Design and Genetic Model Test

  9. 逻辑电路的增广PETRI网模拟和分析

    Extended Petri net modeling and analysis of logical circuits

  10. 基于增广Lyapunov泛函的不确定时滞系统的时滞相关鲁棒H∞控制

    Delay-dependent Robust H_ ∞ Control of Uncertain Systems with Time-Delay Based on Augmented Lyapunov Functional

  11. 两个智力问题的增广Petri网模型

    Generalized petri net model of two intelligence problem

  12. 实现自然数M次乘方和开M次方计算的增广PETRI网模型

    Two extended Petri net models implementing the involution and the extraction of natural numbers

  13. 模运算及求最大公约数的增广PETRI网模型

    Two extended Petri net models for implemetation of modulus and finding maximum common divisor

  14. 试验采用3套增广NCⅡ设计和2套世代平均数分析设计。

    Three augmented NC ⅱ designs and two generation mean analysis designs were adopted in this experiment .

  15. 计算斐波那契数列和错位排列数的增广Petri网模型

    Two Extended Petri Net Models For Computing The Fibonacci Numbers And The Error Position Numbers

  16. 采用增广NCⅡ设计,对高粱生育期遗传模型进行了测验。

    The genetic model test of growing period of sorghum was Carried out by Augmented NC ⅱ design .

  17. MPI通信函数的增广Petri网模型

    The Extended Petri Net Model of MPI 's Communication Functions

  18. 一类新的增广Lagrange式

    A NEW CLASS OF AUGMENTED LAGRANGIANS Lagrange Interpolation in Power Exponent Form

  19. 多体系统动力学优化设计的增广Lagrange乘子法

    Augmented Lagrange Method for Optimization Design of Multibody Systems

  20. 非线性规划弱增广Lagrange函数变度量法

    The variable metric method for the weakly generalized Lagrange function of nonlinear programming

  21. 冲击接触问题增广Lagrangian双共轭梯度法

    Reduced augmented Lagrangian Bi conjugate gradient method for impact contact problems

  22. 基于增广RBF神经网络的混沌系统辨识参数不确定空间机械臂系统的增广自适应控制

    Identifying chaotic system using extended RBF neural network ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF SPACE-BASED MANIPULATOR WITH UNCERTAIN PARAMETERS

  23. 从古典的乘子法到增广的Lagrange乘子法

    From Classical Multiplier Transfer to Extended Lagrange Multiplier

  24. 最后,应用H∞控制技术,对增广系统设计故障诊断系统,能够诊断出时滞系统的执行器故障和传感器故障。

    Finally , by usingH_ ∞ control theory , a fault detection system that can detect actuator fault and the sensor fault is designed .

  25. 等式与界约束非线性优化的信赖域增广Lagrangian算法

    A trust-region augmented Lagrangian algorithm for equality and bounded constraints

  26. 应用增广NCⅡ设计研究了籼梗杂交稻米有关品质性状的遗传。

    The inheritance of relevant quality traits in rice crosses between indica and japonica was investigated by using augmented NC ⅱ design .

  27. 增广PWA系统的奇异H∞控制问题

    Singular H_ ∞ Control Problem for Augmented PWA System

  28. 针对新的增广系统,提出了基于单传感器系统的线性最小方差最优Kalman估值器。

    Against the new augmented system , the linear minimum variance optimal Kalman estimators are designed for single sensor system .

  29. 给出高维增广相空间中广义力学系统的Lie对称定理及其逆定理。

    In this paper , the Lie 's symmetrical theorem and its inverse of generalized mechanical systems in dimensional extended phase space are given .

  30. 建立了更具有普遍意义的增广被控对象,并与经典PD控制进行了对比,得到了较好的结果。

    A more universal generalized plant is built , and the simulation results are compared with the ones of proportion-differential control logic .