
The story could have come straight out of one of Gabriel Garcia Marquez ′ s novels of magical realism .
One of the obvious features in Magic Realism fictions is full of magic and fantasy , which sometimes makes people unbelievable but always reminds you of the truth .
Next , is outside the territory the trend of literary and artistic thought direct inspiration , mainly includes " the new Confucianism " production and influence as well as Latin American evil spirit imaginary realism novel inspiration .
Obviously it can be summarized that the themes are constructed on the basis of magic realism , which proves the essential position of magic realism in the creation of Beloved .
Chapter three is an exploration into the concrete application of magic realism through the presentation and analysis of the three aspects ( the blending of the magic and real , the adoption of mythological archetypes and the employment of symbolic images ) .
Beginning with the birth of magic realism , and its influence and development , this thesis focuses on analyzing wholly novel artistry , narrative characteristics and writing techniques in Toni Morrison 's novels .