
  1. 任何人都没说过混血王子一定是个和魔法界的皇家贵族。

    Nobody ever said that the HBP had to involve magical royalty .

  2. 魔法界会怎样看待他?

    How must the wizarding world perceive him ?

  3. 魔法界的内战就此展开,霍格沃茨的学生、秘密组织凤凰社、魔法部和食死徒四方皆被卷入其中。

    Therefore the rebellion involving the students of Hogwarts , secret organization Order of the Phoenix , the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters begins .

  4. 在做了十年的赫敏之后,沃特森致力于向波特迷们证明自己在魔法界之外的本领。

    After a decade as Hermione , Watson aims to give Harry Potter fans a taste of what she is capable of outside the world of witchcraft and wizardry .

  5. 今天,华纳兄弟娱乐公司带我们一起去体验“混血王子”,一起去了解少年汤姆·里德尔是如何变成魔法界人尽皆知的黑魔王的。

    The next article released by Warner Bros to promote Half-Blood Prince takes a look into how young Tom Riddle turned into one of the darkest wizards known to man .

  6. 备注:在英国发行的版本中,这部分被称为“为魔法界工作的部门”;而在美国发行的版本中这部分被称为“魔法部”。

    Note : in the British versions of the books , this position is referred to as the Minister for magic , while in the US editions it is called the Minister of magic .

  7. 魔法界的许多人觉得,向隔壁麻瓜邻居的瘟猪施咒语,就等于是在主动往焚烧自己的火堆上添加柴火,这么想也是有道理的。

    Many in the magical community felt , and with good reason , that offering to cast a spell on the Muggle-next-door 's sickly pig was tantamount to volunteering to fetch the firewood for one 's own funeral pyre .

  8. 当然,如果他不能再找回那些魔法,时装界也会像它一贯以来的那样,眨眨眼睛,继续往前走。

    If it doesn 't , of course , then as is its wont , fashion will blink , and move on .

  9. 哈利在霍格沃茨魔法学校度过的第六年,伏地魔和他手下的食死徒们加快了在魔法界和麻瓜世界制造恐怖的阴云。

    In Harry 's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry , Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters are increasing their terror upon the Wizarding and Muggle worlds .