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  • 网络Clementine
  1. 一份早期基督教文件《克莱门汀布道》也提到耶稣多次再生。

    The Clementine Homilies , an early Christian document , also taught many incarnations of Jesus .

  2. 美国国防部13年展开了一个鲜为人知的,称为克莱门汀的计划。

    There is a little-known mission that was launched by the Pentagon , 13 years ago now , called Clementine .

  3. 克莱门汀,你该离开这。

    Look , clem . you 've got to get out of here .

  4. 这些文献(学者称为“伪克莱门汀”)是讲伊便尼派早期基督徒的故事。

    These documents ( known to scholars as the " pseudo-Clementines ") are Ebionite stories about the early Christians .