
  • 网络DIANE;dian;dianne;Diana;Diane Arbus
  1. 作家黛安-弗林-基思几年前就意识到了这一问题,并创造了“车内教育”这个词,用以描述她利用接送孩子的车内时间进行“车内教育”的行为与理念。

    Author Diane Flynn Keith recognized the problem a few years ago and coined the phrase " car schooling1 " to describe activities and ideas she used to enhance the time she spent shuttling her children around .

  2. C黛安:卡尔,你喜欢这场演唱会吗?

    Diane : > Did you enjoy the concert , Carl ?

  3. 哪个变态会给黛安索耶(ABC王牌女主持人)寄去录像带

    What creep would send Diane Sawyer a video

  4. 为夏洛特举办的这个午餐会、明天黛安·冯芙丝汀宝(DianevonFurstenberg)的野餐会和香奈儿(Chanel)的晚宴,以及周日的《名利场》派对。

    This lunch for Charlotte , the Diane von Furstenberg picnic tomorrow , the Chanel dinner tomorrow and Vanity Fair on Sunday .

  5. 美世咨询主合伙人黛安米勒(DianeMiller)报告说,由于外汇市场的收益超过了多数其它资产类别,虽然还不是那么令人叹为观止,但人们对货币的兴趣渐增。

    Diane Miller , principal at Mercer , reports increased interest as returns from currency , although not stunning , have outstripped most other assets of late .

  6. 来自加州的民主党参议员黛安.范斯坦(DianeFeinstein)表示,美国或许可以同伊朗的最高领袖哈梅内伊进行接触。

    Senator Dianne Feinstein , a California Democrat , suggested the United States engage with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei .

  7. 我得知自己被安排在黛安・冯・芙丝汀宝(DianevonFurstenberg)和一位刚跑过马拉松的商人之间。

    I was told that I 'd been squeezed in between Diane von Furstenberg and a businessman who 'd just run a marathon .

  8. 凯莉•克里斯蒂(KellyChristy)是美国设计师,她的作品已在纽约史密森•库珀-休伊特国家设计博物馆(SmithsonianCooper-HewittNationalDesignMuseum)成功展出,还曾为黛安•冯芙丝汀宝(DianeVonFurstenberg)与辛西娅•罗利(CynthiaRowley)设计过帽子。

    Kelly Christy is an American milliner whose work has been exhibited at the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in New York and has designed for Diane von Furstenberg and Cynthia Rowley .

  9. 伦敦商学院职业发展主管黛安•摩尔根(DianeMorgan)表示,首先,许多公司的职位需要在出现空缺时尽快得到填充,而不是安排在年度招聘计划之中。

    First , says Diane Morgan , head of career development at LBS , many corporate jobs need filling as soon as they fall vacant , not as part of an annual intake .

  10. 我得知自己被安排在黛安12539;冯12539;芙丝汀宝(DianevonFurstenberg)和一位刚跑过马拉松的商人之间。

    A Borzoi would not be out of place . I was told that I 'd been squeezed in between Diane von Furstenberg and a businessman who 'd just run a marathon .

  11. 63岁的黛安冯芙丝汀宝(DianevonFurstenberg)为克拉里奇酒店设计的系列套房近日已交付使用这标志着该酒店和时装设计师的首次联袂合作。

    Diane von Furstenberg , 63 , has recently unveiled a series of suites she has designed for Claridge 's in London marking the hotel 's first collaboration with a fashion designer .

  12. 你知道这一幕:在电影《曼哈顿》(Manhattan)中,伍迪縠伦和黛安蘒罗(DianeKeaton)饰演的玛丽(Mary)坐在出租车上,他对她说:“你看起来真美,我几乎无法盯着计价表看了。”

    You know the scene : in Manhattan , he 's in a cab with Mary ( played by Diane Keaton ) and he tells her : " You look so beautiful I can hardly keep my eyes on the meter . "

  13. 黛安.冯芙丝汀宝是一位时尚界和设计界的大腕。她创立的DVF是一个非常昂贵和受欢迎的品牌。

    Diane von Furstenberg is a highly known and respected fashion icon and designer , her line the House of DVF is a very expensive and popular brand .

  14. 回溯那十年,可以想起黛安·冯芙丝汀宝(DVF)裹裙、及踝长裙裹着里面的热裤,峡谷女士身穿破旧的牛仔裤,令这十年显得好像一个充满尘世喜悦的花园。

    In retrospect , the decade that spawned the DVF wrap dress , maxi-coats worn over hot pants , and Ladies of the Canyon in battered jeans seems a garden of earthly delights .

  15. 比方说,黛安•冯•芙丝汀宝(DianevonFurstenberg,许多人觉得其裹裙当孕装穿再合适不过了)、吴季刚(JasonWu)、TemperleyLondon等品牌均委婉地拒绝踏足这个领域。

    Diane von Furstenberg ( whose wrap dress many would argue is perfect for maternity ), Jason Wu and Temperley London all politely declined to take part in this piece , for example . It is not a story that we feel is the right fit for us .

  16. 这些建议事实上源于里奇认识的一位企业家,即Communispace的首席执行官黛安•赫森,上个月赫森刚刚同意将她的公司以1亿多美元售予宏盟。

    Riccio had gotten the list of tips from an entrepreneur she knows : communispace CEO Diane hessan , who agreed last month to sell her company to Omnicom for more than $ 100 million .

  17. 黛安:我知道,我想回家。

    Dianne : I know . I want to go home .

  18. 保罗是黛安的初恋对吗

    Paul was Diane 's first love , wasn 't he ?

  19. 黛安是不是和年轻的里瓦先生私奔了

    didn 't Diane and young Mr Riva run away together ?

  20. 片中角色由有着淡褐色头发的黛安·赛琳顿扮演。

    The title role was played by ash blond Diane Celento .

  21. 等他投中三分以后,马上转成“黛安”战术。

    When he hits the three , go right into diane .

  22. 黛安:打电话的那些人都在做什么?

    Diane : What are those people doing on the phone ?

  23. 黛安神与阿米替林治疗脑卒中后抑郁对照研究

    The efficacy of Deanxit and Amitriptyline in the treatment of post-stroke depression

  24. 黛安骄傲地拿着她的第一张支票在他鼻子下面挥舞着。

    Diane flourished her first check proudly under his nose .

  25. 我是黛安·特雷斯莫“阿诗蒙”杂志的主编

    Diane kretschmer , editor - in-chief at ashmont press .

  26. 后来黛安跟保罗就再也没有来往了

    And Diane never heard from or saw Paul Riva again

  27. 黛安:你会竞拍第一个拍品吗?

    Diane : Are you bidding on the first lot ?

  28. 就算是黛安没告诉我尽管这很荒唐

    Let 's just say Diane didn 't tell me which is nonsense

  29. 可是黛安并不想把它给我

    It doesn 't seem as though Diane wanted me to have it

  30. 警方在哪里找到了里瓦先生和黛安

    And where did the police find young Mr Riva and Diane ?