
  • 网络working cell;working cardiac cell;cardiac working cell;work cell
  1. 通过采用银染法鉴别短串联重复序列聚合酶链式反应(STR)位点的PCR产物来鉴别人二倍体细胞MRC-5株主细胞库、工作细胞库及限制代细胞。

    Silver staining of ten-locus ( nine STR loci and gender identification locus ) system was used to identify Master Cell Bank , Working Cell Bank and the limited passages of MRC-5 cell line .

  2. 通常,应当考虑的工艺控制有:●工作细胞库的维护;

    In general , process controls should take into account : ● Maintenance of the Working Cell Bank ;

  3. 脂肪浸润可能是相当严重的事,因为脂肪取代了工作细胞。

    Infiltration of fat may be quite serious , because the fat displaces functioning cells .

  4. 穆特称:“心脏开始加速跳动,向工作细胞输送更多血液和氧气。”这会促进内啡?

    The heart begins to beat faster , delivering more blood and oxygen to working cells , ' says Dr. Muth .

  5. 穆特称:心脏开始加速跳动,向工作细胞输送更多血液和氧气。

    ' The heart begins to beat faster , delivering more blood and oxygen to working cells , ' says Dr. Muth .

  6. 胶原一壳聚糖的细胞相容性研究:1.真皮成纤维细胞的分离培养:取包皮环切术后的幼儿包皮酶消化法分离培养真皮成纤维细胞并传代,以3-4代细胞作为工作细胞。

    Cultivation of dermal fibroblast : Dermal fibroblasts were harvested by using enzyme digest technique from child foreskin after circumcision . 3-4 generation of cells were used as work cells . ( 2 ) Cultivation of dermal fibroblast on collagen-chitosan spongy membrane .

  7. 新疆放射工作人员细胞遗传学分析及剂量&效应关系研究

    Cytogenetic analysis of dose-effect relationship in workers with occupational radiation exposure

  8. 腺苷及异丙基肾上腺素对工作心肌细胞的电生理影响

    On working Electrophysiologic Effects of Adenosine and Isoproterenol on Atrial and Ventricular Myocytes in Guinea Pig Heart

  9. 人体是由数十亿个紧密地配合著工作的细胞组成,细胞也是人体内最细小的生命单位。

    The human body is composed of trillions of cells closely functioning together . A cell is also the smallest living unit in the body .

  10. 结果:正常成体羊心室心肌细胞,包括工作心肌细胞和传导心肌细胞,均可见明显的无丝分裂相和细胞死亡特征。

    Results : The obvious amitotic phases and cellular senescent characteristics were observed in adult goat ventricular muscle cells including working and conducting cardiac muscle cells .

  11. 本工作应用细胞内记录技术,在灌流的鲫鱼离体视网膜的标本上,研究了低钙对外网状层中视锥、视杆信号向水平细胞传递的不同影响。

    Intracellular recordings were made from neurons in the superfused isolated carp retina and the effects of calcium on synaptic transmission from cones and rods to horizontal cells were studied by changing the ionic composition of the external medium .

  12. 工作原理所有细胞的生长都需要B-12。

    How it works : All cells need B-12 . to grow .

  13. 上海地区部份放射性工作人员的细胞遗传学研究

    Cytogenetic study of radiation workers in Shanghai District

  14. 这一工作为种子细胞来源进行了初步探索。

    It is a new approach to explore more resources of seed cells in tissue engineering .

  15. 他们的工作提示肿瘤细胞表面的特殊分子的表达与临床参数有关。

    Their work indicates that the expression of specific cell surface molecules on tumour cells correlates with clinical parameters .

  16. 本工作运用免疫细胞化学和全细胞膜片钳技术,研究了甘氨酸受体在牛蛙视网膜视锥细胞上的表达。

    Using immunocytochemical and whole cell recording techniques , we examined expression of glycine receptors on bullfrog retinal cone photoreceptors .

  17. 总之,这两项新颖的工作都以细胞自噬为靶点开发化疗药物为目的进行了有益的探索,具有重要价值。

    In a word , these two novel projects are meaningful investigations toward the aim of developing autophagy-targeting drugs and have significant values .

  18. 首先所有的工作对于干细胞治疗的发展是很有意义的,尤其对于那些不可治疗的眼科疾病。

    Jane Sowden : First of all the work is very significant for the development of stem-cell therapies , particularly for patients with untreatable eye diseases .

  19. 我们的工作证明干细胞为基础的治疗可以救治患者生命并可以通过唤起机体自身自然修复来实现重塑组织结构。

    We have shown that stem cell-based treatments can save lives and can be used in the creation of living structures which draw upon the body 's own natural healing mechanisms for their support .

  20. 结论发生染色体畸变的X射线工作人员,白细胞异常率增加,造血系统损伤更严重;

    Conclusions The blood system in X-ray worker with chromosome aberration was more harmed and the rate of abnormal WBC increased .

  21. 本工作建立了红细胞胰岛素受体微量测定法,反应总体积为0.1ml。

    A micromethod for measuring erythrocyte insulin receptors is established .

  22. 重要的开发工作是从培养细胞到再生整个植物。

    An important development was the regeneration of whole plants from culture cells .

  23. 神经科学家的一大梦想,就是观看工作中的脑细胞。

    The big dream for is to be able to watch our brain cells , in

  24. 本工作对肾小管细胞基侧膜上钾离子通道的活动进行初步的探讨。

    The potassium channel on the basolateral membrane of renal proximal tubule in rat was studied .

  25. 在血液病毒灭活研究工作中,常用细胞感染法评价病毒的灭活效果。

    Cell infection method was often used to test the results of virus inactivation in the research work .

  26. 本文的主要工作是研制活细胞钙离子浓度荧光显微检测系统。

    Our primary work is to build the fluorescent microscopy system to detect [ Ca2 + ] I in living cells .

  27. 萨利赫说:“我们用这些色素去进一步了解活性细胞研究工作,研究癌细胞出了什么问题。”

    Saleh , said : " We used to further understand the activity of these pigment cell research , cancer research what 's wrong . "

  28. 本工作研究了去细胞外钙对取自9天来亨鸡胚的培养肌管磷脂酰肌醇水解的影响。

    The effect of removal of external Ca 2 + on phosphoinositide hydrolysis was investigated in cultured myotubes from 9 day old Leghorn embryonic chicken .

  29. 本工作就胶质瘤细胞辐射抗性相关的基因、相关的酶、细胞外环境的作用及辐射抗性逆转的几个问题展开了讨论。

    The paper gives a review on progresses of the studies on the gene and enzyme related to the radioresistance of glioma , and the external environment and other issues about reversion of the radioresistance .

  30. 为了阐明细胞的内部工作机制,重建细胞内完整的蛋白质交互作用网络成为了分子生物学的一大挑战。

    One of the big challenges of molecular biology is to reconstruct the complete network of protein interaction within cells in a hope to shed unprecedented light on the inner working of the cellular machinery .