
  • 网络Industrial automation instruments;industrial process measurement and control instrument
  1. GB/T4451-1984工业自动化仪表振动(正弦)试验方法

    Methods of vibration ( sinusoidal ) test for use in industrial process measurement and control instrument

  2. GB/T7353-1987工业自动化仪表盘基本尺寸及型式

    Basic dimensions and types of panels for industrial process measurement and control instrument

  3. 技术含量高,其以新型干法水泥生产工艺技术为基础,采用DCS控制系统结构,选用最新工业自动化仪表,使得最新的工艺、技术全面的展示给学生,起到事半功倍的效果。

    Technical high and new technological processes are doing in the technical basis , the dcs control system structure , use industrial automation , most of the latest technologies , techniques comprehensive show , the less and the results .

  4. 有色金属工业自动化仪表现状及需求

    Non-ferrous Metallurgical Industries Automation Instrument Current Status and its Demand

  5. 工业自动化仪表信号的远距离传输

    Long - distance Transmission of the Signal of Industrial Auto - instrument

  6. GB/T777-1985工业自动化仪表用模拟气动信号

    Analogue pneumatic signal for industrial process measurement and control instruments

  7. 工业自动化仪表在计算机过程控制中的使用

    Use of industrial automatic instrument in computer process control

  8. 工业自动化仪表领域本体的构建研究

    Research on Building Domain Ontology of Industrial Automation Instrumentation

  9. 石油化工工业自动化仪表及系统

    The Automatic Instrument and System of Petrochemical Industry

  10. 工业自动化仪表的可靠性及维修

    The Reliability and Repair of Automatic Instruments

  11. GB/T4830-1984工业自动化仪表气源压力范围和质量

    Pressure range and quality of air supply for the industrial process measurement and control instruments

  12. 重庆工业自动化仪表研究所

    Chongqing Institute of Industrial Automation & Instrumentation

  13. 本文概述了石油化工工业自动化仪表及系统的发展和现状。

    This paper introduces the development and present situation of petrochemical industry automatic instrument and system .

  14. GB/T15479-1995工业自动化仪表绝缘电阻、绝缘强度技术要求和试验方法

    Technical requirements and test methods of insulation resistance and insulating strength for use in industrial process measurement and control instruments

  15. 针对我国工业自动化仪表行业普遍应用的各种信号输出制的仪表,设计出仪用标准直流信号源。

    This paper designs standard direct current signal source arming at various output standard that are generally used in automatization instrument industry .

  16. 万能法轧制长腿特种槽钢的数值模拟GB/T777-1985工业自动化仪表用模拟气动信号

    The Numerical Simulation of Rolling Special Channel Steel with Long Legs in Use of Universal Mill ; Analogue pneumatic signal for industrial process measurement and control instruments

  17. 在总结上海工业自动化仪表研究所从事火力发电厂输煤控制系统技术研究的基础上,提出大型电厂输煤控制系统的优化方案。

    Based on technical summary on coal transportation control system of Shanghai Industry Automation Institute , the author proposed the optimum design scheme for large fossil - fuelled power plant .

  18. 本文讨论了计算机过程控制中,工业自动化仪表与计算机的联接、系统的稳定性可靠性措施和变送器量程及零点的选择等技术问题。

    This paper discusses about the technology on the connection of industrial automatic instruments to computer , the pre cautions to systematical stability and dependability , and the choice of range and zero of transmitter in computer process control .

  19. 通用串行总线(USB)是目前PC外设接口的主流总线标准,并迅速在工业自动化仪器仪表中得到应用。

    USB ( Universal Serial Bus ) is a mainstream bus standard of PC peripheral interface , which extends its applications to industrial automatic instruments .

  20. 以太网技术作为一种功能强大的通信技术已经广泛的应用于办公自动化和数字商务领域,正在向工业自动化、仪表自动化和楼宇自动化等领域发展。

    As a powerful communication technology , Ethernet has been widely applied to office automation and digital business field .

  21. 目前,国内给水自控系统采用最多的是由工业计算机+PLC+自动化仪表组成的多级分布式计算机测控管理系统;

    Now the automatic system most adopt multiple step computer monitoring management system composed with industrial computer , PLC and automatic instrument .

  22. 目前以现场总线为基础的故障诊断系统应用已经比较广泛地用到工业控制、自动化仪器仪表、智能化的武器装备等许多领域。

    With the wide application of field bus , fault diagnosis system platform based on field bus been widely applied in such a lot of fields as industrial control , automatic instrument and apparatus , intelligent weaponry .

  23. EPA标准是作者参加起草的一种适用于工业自动化控制系统装置与仪器仪表间、工业自动化仪器仪表相互间数据通信的工业控制网络通信国家标准。

    The EPA Standard is a kind of national standard in industry control network communication which the authors attended to draft for data communication between industry control system equipment and instrument meter , or between instrument meters .