
  1. 老舍先生的散文表达出一种独有的生命意识,主要表现为对自然生命的崇尚与赞美,对弱小生命的关注与同情,对生命意义的探索与追寻。

    Laoshe 's proses express a unique conciousness of life , which mainly glorifies natural life , concerning and sympathizing with feeble life , and exploring and pursuing the meaning of life .

  2. 老舍先生晚年的三幕话剧《茶馆》堪称为他的戏剧创作的巅峰。

    Lao She creates the three-act drama-Teahouse in his late years , which is one of his famous plays put on the stage and can be regarded as his summit in his drama creation .