
huà bǐnɡ
  • pie in the sky
画饼 [huà bǐng]
  • [come to naught;a depicted cake] 画出来的饼。指没有或不存在的利益或好处。比喻空想

  • 大家不必担心,白条子不等于画饼

  1. 他的希望成了画饼。

    His hopes came to nothing .

  2. 口惠实不至,画饼难充饥。

    Fair word fill not the belly .

  3. 这不过是略微展现了一下“高屋建瓴”的达沃斯论坛时常会做出的空中画饼姿态?

    Just a bit of pie-in-the-sky posturing of the sort that often occurs in high-altitude Davos ?

  4. 可是经济伦理学要告诉人们的,恰恰是这张画饼的价值。

    What business ethics precisely wants to tell people is the value of this pie painted on paper .