
  • 网络Painting Table;Drawing board
  1. 她知道学生中的大部分人都会画桌上放着的火鸡,因为他们早就盼望着吃火鸡了。

    She knew that most of them would draw pictures of turkeys on tables because they had looked forward to having turkey for a long time .

  2. 当杨彦离开画桌后,爱达杨便拿起画笔,开始画自己家乡随处可见的芒果树。她用不同的颜色和画笔来展现出芒果树各个生长阶段。

    When Yang Yan left his desk , Yang picked up the brushes and began to paint mango trees - common in her hometown - using different colors and brush strokes to show how they looked at various stages of growth .

  3. 将禅画置于桌间,有净化心灵之意,是烦嚣生活的一味良药,选取禅宗画有一定哲理性,同时画面简单富有趣味,有一种恬静之余对生活的豁达与领悟。

    Will draw on table , zen soul , there is noisy , selection of life medicine with certain philosophical zen , meanwhile , has a very simple picture of a quiet life and understanding of the open-minded .