
  • 网络painting style;brushwork;bio-mechanical
  1. 1906年毕加索受到非洲原始雕刻和塞尚绘画影响,而转向一种新画风的探索。

    Influenced by primeval African sculpture , Picasso began to explore a new painting style in1906 .

  2. 这几位画家的画风有些类同,我们需要找些画风迥异的作品做展览。

    These painters have a silimar painting style . We need some paintings of different styles to exhibit .

  3. 他们把充满活力的画风与形式和色彩的装饰性效果结合起来。

    They combined vigorous brushwork with decorative arrangements of form and colour .

  4. 有两季就是瑞克·格莱姆斯和尼根两个人互相攻击,没完没了、毫无乐趣,和《龙珠Z》(DragonBallZ)一个画风,然后就有了上面那段话。

    This was written after two interminable , joyless seasons of Rick Grimes and Negan powering up at each other , Dragon Ball Z-style .

  5. 那一年,雷诺阿用他特色的朦胧画风在作品《埃斯塔克的峭壁》(RockyCragsatL'Estaque)中刻画了此地的草木山川。

    Renoir 's " Rocky Crags at L'Estaque " of that year shows the hillside and vegetation in his characteristically fuzzy style .

  6. 她的画风一直受到日本艺术的影响。

    Her style of painting has been influenced by Japanese art .

  7. 这次我试了新的画风和上色方式。

    Experimented with both the drawing and coloring style here .

  8. 从中反映了吴道子的基本画风。

    The painting demonstrates Wu Daozi 's basic painting style .

  9. 上统计学课的时候随便画的,来为了比较画风又重画了一遍。

    Random statistics class doodle , redrawn later as a style comparison .

  10. 谁教你画风、画空间、画情感的?

    Who taught you to record wind , or space , or feeling ?

  11. 对于她像男人一样的画风,人们褒贬不一。

    She was both praised and criticized for @ painting like a man .

  12. 在第四部分,石恪画风中空无思想的延伸中阐明这种古老思想的延续发展状况。

    At fourth part , author explains the development of the idea nowadays .

  13. 哪些是对您的画风最有影响的呢?

    What would you say are your artistic influences ?

  14. 1937年,达利游历意大利,接受了较为传统的画风;

    In 1937 Dal í visited Italy and adopted a more traditional style ;

  15. 海派的画风与岭南派有很大不同。

    The Shanghai style differs a lot from the Lingnan style of painting .

  16. 当代版画创作样式画风的演进与超越

    The Evolution and Exceeding of the Styles of Modern Block Print Creation Pattern

  17. 尽管我的两种画风截然不同,然而都与光有关。

    Though these two styles are completely different , both are related to light .

  18. 等等这种女人飞翔的形象很像夏加尔的画风

    Wait , that looks like a Chagall , the woman flying like that .

  19. 通常当艺术家老去的时候,他的画风可能会改变,但是不会变化太多。

    As the artist grows older his pictures may change , but not very much .

  20. 构图之精巧,线条勾勒之细腻,设色之清疏淡雅,都与院体名家林椿的画风相近。

    The composition , color and outlines are reminiscent of renowned court painter Lin Chun .

  21. 这也可以用来概括16世纪前几十年的威尼斯画风。

    The phrase could also describe Venetian art of the first decades of the 16th century .

  22. 这图追求的是画风间的极度不协调感,反其道而行之,最终目的达到整体的极度协调。

    This illustration pursues the unbalance among different styles and find a whole balance at last .

  23. 为了追求自己的新式画风,马内甚至拒绝将自己的作品与他们的作品一起展出。

    He refused to exhibit with them in order to pursue his own move towards modernity .

  24. 梵高显然深受当时袭卷巴黎艺坛的印象派画风影响。

    Van Gogh was undoubtedly influenced by the Impressionism that swept the city 's art world .

  25. 从龚贤积墨画风看宋人山水的制作

    Artist Style Looks at the Song Dynasty Scenery from the Gong Virtuous Accumulated Ink the Manufacture

  26. 之后,她照片的画风就变成了搂着失去的手机和丢失的丈夫的照片了。

    After this she started posing with her arms around both her missing husband and missing phone .

  27. 在法国印象派画中,西斯莱是画风和个性最温和,而且富有诗意的画家。

    French impressionist painting , Sisley is the most gentle personality and style , and poetic painter .

  28. 这些画作从栩栩如生的树木、花卉,到抽象派的画风都有;

    The themes of their paintings range from true-to-life trees and flowers , and even abstract images .

  29. 他模仿鲁本斯的画风。

    He paints after Rubens .

  30. 尤其他的画风真有特色,有别于其他漫画家作品。

    Most of all , his distinctive drawing style really sets his work apart from other cartoonists .