
  1. 许多医生以及美国食品和药物管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration)警告说,这可能使热蜡滴入娇嫩的耳组织,导致灼伤,甚至点燃头发。

    Many physicians and the Food and Drug Administration warn that it can drop hot wax into delicate ear tissues , cause burns or even set hair on fire .

  2. 许多医生——以及美国食品和药物管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration)——警告说,这可能使热蜡滴入娇嫩的耳组织,导致灼伤,甚至点燃头发。

    Many physicians -- and the Food and Drug Administration -- warn that it can drop hot wax into delicate ear tissues , cause burns or even set hair on fire .

  3. 蜡滴从蜡烛上淌下来。

    Globules of wax fell from the candle .

  4. GB/T2560-1981褐煤蜡滴点测定方法

    Lignite wax & Determination of drop point

  5. 滴在桌布上的蜡滴,黑黑的余渣,在蜡瓶和烛台中的小块余蜡以及防火安全问题。

    The drips on tablecloths , sooty residue , bits of wax stuck inside votive glasses and candleholders as well as the fire-safety issue .

  6. 太阳升起前的晨祷早已结束,上帝的屋子里一片静悄悄,人们可以听到熔蜡滴到地上的声音。

    The mass has long been finished , silence reigns in the church , and the wax is heard dropping from the candles to the stone pavement .

  7. 点燃一支蜡烛,在受热熔化的蜡上滴一两滴精油,你就可以享受香精蜡烛散发的香气了。

    To enjoy a scented candle , place a drop or two into the hot melted wax as the candle bums .

  8. 石油蜡及石油脂滴熔点测定法

    Petroleum waxes and petrolatums-determination of drop melting point