
là xiànɡ ɡuǎn
  • wax museum


là xiàng guǎn
  • wax museum;wax work museum
  1. 在好莱坞的旅游景点,例如,网站星光大道,Graumann的曼恩的中国剧院和蜡像馆。

    Web sites for tourist attractions in Hollywood , such as the Walk of Fame , Graumann 's Mann 's Chinese Theatre , and the Wax Museum .

  2. 安吉丽娜茱莉和布拉德皮特的孩子周三被展出在一个蜡像馆里。

    Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt 's baby went on display Wednesday at a wax museum .

  3. 杜莎夫人蜡像馆是世界上最著名的蜡像馆之一

    Madame Tussaud is one of most famous waxworks in the world .

  4. Ben介绍说在杜莎夫人蜡像馆陈列的加勒比海盗系列,就像一艘吱吱作响的海盗船。

    Jo : A pirate ship . A creaking pirate ship .

  5. 一说到能见到Beyonce我都有点兴奋过头了。不过你说,如果所有的名人都是用蜡制造的,那我知道了,你说的一定是MadameTussauds,杜莎夫人蜡像馆。

    Jo : Well there 's just one thing though you need to know * the famous people are made from wax .

  6. 但沃里克城堡并非如此:1978年,沃里克伯爵把城堡连带所欠取暖费一并转手给了杜莎集团(TussaudsGroup,诸多知名蜡像馆以及主题公园的运营商)。

    Not so here : in 1978 the Earl of Warwick sold the castle and its heating bills to the Tussauds Group ( owners of the famous waxworks as well as theme parks ) .

  7. 该瀑布曾是蜜月胜地,现在却沦为鸡肋景观。在商业化的克里夫顿山(CliftonHill)一带,同样命运的还有一些二流蜡像馆,喧哗的餐馆和肮脏旅社等。

    What was once a famed honeymoon destination is now only a minor " attraction " in a circus sideshow of second-rate wax museums , loud themed restaurants and grungy hotels along the armpit of commercialism called the Clifton Hill strip .

  8. 开一家蜡像馆成了她的梦想。

    It was her dream to do something really incredible here .

  9. 一套由玛丽蜡像馆,这是一个非常著名的蜡像馆。

    Set by Marie Tussaud this is a very famous wax museum .

  10. 蜡像馆里的很多人将被解雇。

    A lot of people in the waxworks will get the axe .

  11. 你又看《恐怖蜡像馆》了?

    Did you watch " House of Wax " again ?

  12. 咱们去参观蜡像馆吧。

    Let 's go see your famous house of wax .

  13. 像是活的蜡像馆。

    I think it 's like a wax museum with a pulse .

  14. 税务局将对蜡像馆征收附加税。

    The taxman will levy surtax on the waxworks .

  15. 位于旧金山的杜莎夫人蜡像馆现在有了一个卡通电子版“不爽猫”。

    Madame Tussauds San Francisco now includes an animatronic version of Grumpy Cat .

  16. 缴纳蜡像馆的营业税她精力上很大的负担。

    The sales tax of wax museum was a tax on her energies .

  17. 香港杜莎夫人蜡像馆是一所非常著名的名人蜡像博物馆。

    Madame Tussauds Hong Kong is a very famous celebrity wax figure museum .

  18. 为了对蜡像馆征收附加税,税务稽查员费尽了力气。

    The taxman taxed his strength in order to levy surtax on the waxworks .

  19. 婴儿什洛在杜莎夫人蜡像馆得到了与她著名的父母同样的荣耀。

    Baby Shiloh received the same honor as her famous parents at Madame Tussaud 's.

  20. 上海杜莎夫人蜡像馆出售的纪念水壶上印上了奥巴马的照片。

    Souvenir cups show the waxwork likeness of President Obama at Madame Tussauds in Shanghai .

  21. 到上海杜莎夫人蜡像馆和你喜欢的名人巨星作亲密接触。

    Get up close and personal to your favourite celebrities at the Shanghai Madame Tussauds Wax Museum .

  22. 图索夫人蜡像馆是伦敦一家著名的蜡像馆。使用蜡纸进行制造或者印刷。

    Madame Tussaud 's is a famous waxworks in London . mark or print with a stencil .

  23. 闻名世界的杜莎夫人蜡像馆总部设在伦敦,在很多大城市都设有分支。

    Madame Tussauds is a famous wax museum in London with branches in a number of major cities .

  24. 杜莎夫人蜡像馆在自己的脸书主页上分享了不爽猫与其模型的对照图。

    A photo of the real Grumpy Cat with the faux version was shared by Madame Tussauds on Facebook .

  25. 名人先到蜡像馆见雕刻家,雕刻家给他们照数以百计的照片,并给他们量尺寸。

    The celebrity visits the museum first to meet the sculptors , who takes hundreds of photographs and measurements .

  26. 这也是杜莎夫人蜡像馆史上第一次在网上现场直播蜡像节目仪式。

    The unveiling was broadcast live for the first time in the museum 's history on a special website .

  27. 在杜莎夫人蜡像馆就是这个这太酷了我非常非常喜欢

    Madame Tussaud.There we go ! Okay . This is really cool , and I really really love it .

  28. 自200多年前开业以来,杜莎夫人蜡像馆一直门庭若市,吸引了数以百万计的游客。

    Madame Tussauds Wax Museum has been crowded with guests for200 years since its opening , attracting millions of tourists .

  29. 被选中者将成为第一位用巧克力而不是用蜡塑成的名人,并入住杜莎夫人蜡像馆。

    The winner will become the model for the first celebrity figure at Madame Tussauds 's made of chocolate rather than wax .

  30. 2004年,在纽约杜莎夫人蜡像馆,碧昂斯(左)举起手臂摆出一副热舞的姿势,和她迷人的蜡像复制品站在一起。

    Beyonc é( left ) is up in arms next to her glamorous likeness at New York City 's Madame Tussauds in2004 .