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kōnɡ jiànɡ xùn liàn
  • airborne training
  1. 这支部队挑选十分严格,只有四分之一的新兵能通过为期九个月的训练,其中包括空降训练、大量的近身格斗及体能测试。

    Selection for this force is rigorous and only 1 in 4 recruits end up making it through the nine-month training , airborne school and extensive hand-to-hand combat and physical conditioning elements .

  2. 应征者要历经18个月的训练,包括基础步兵训练、空降兵训练、反恐培训和侦察相关的培训。

    Candidates undergo eighteen months of training which includes basic infantry school , parachute school , counter-terrorism training and reconnaissance related training .

  3. 397例空降兵跳伞训练损伤的流行病调查

    Epidemic investigation of 397 cases of airborne parachute training injury

  4. 目的了解空降兵在跳伞训练前期的心理健康状况,为做好心理咨询与卫生保健提供依据。

    Objective To determine the mental health status of parachutists before bailout training , and to provide reference for psychological consultation and mental health care .